Practical Activity for Curricular Development



Understand the requirements and context of a problematic situation of a certain dimension in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. Develop convenient solutions, under a degree of supervision promoting autonomy. Identify the techniques and methods to use.


Implement one or several components needed for the solution, using industrial strength development tools. Validate, debug, and evaluated the solutions delivered.

Transferable Skills

Enforce system view, autonomy, critical thinking, and teamwork abilities.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carlos Augusto Isaac Piló Viegas Damásio, João Ricardo Viegas da Costa Seco


Weekly - 4

Total - 4

Teaching language



The course is divided into three variants. Each variant has its own requirements.

In all variants, students must have completed 84 ECTS units in the informatics area in the first cycle.

The research initiation variant has a required minimum average grade of 14.5 points.

The internship variant has a limit number of 60 students per semester.

The assignment of students to variants is made following the choice of the students in a sequential fashion and having into account the greater number of credits and the average score to the students when the assignment is performed (higher picks first). 

The assignment of a concrete internship to a student is performed following the preferences of the students in a sequential fashion and having into account the average score of the student and then the number of credits (higher picks first).


Depending on the activity / project. Several references are recommended to the students, appropriate to each concrete project / activity.

Teaching method

This curricular unit targets the development by the students of a coherent activity, mostly out of the controlled class room context, to be performed either in the Department or outside, and involving integration of competencies and knowledge addressed independently in several curricular units of the core tier, namely, programming and software design and development, computer systems and networks, human machine interaction, among others, depending on the project / activity at hand. The teaching approach involves essentially tutorial support and uniformization sessions (sometimes by external guests), and several progress milestones. By the end of the curricular unit the student (team) must publicly present by means of a written report the results of his work. A key aspect to be taken in consideration is the uniformity of parameters and evaluation methods to evaluate to what extent the student has reached the learning outcomes, independently of the working environment context.

Evaluation method

The students in all three variants of the course are evaluated by means of reports and public earings with presentations with a panel of evaluation. 

Subject matter

The syllabus of a curricular unit with these characteristics does not follow the usual terms, however the following topics will be covered: Familiarization with the concepts, technologies and methodologies required for tackling the chosen activity. Integration through practical hands-on experience of the basic knowledge obtained in several fundamental curricular units of this 1st cycle courses, in the several scientific areas of the program. Understanding of the human, social, and technical context in which the activity takes place. Project management methodologies and of teamwork. Principles of quality management. Aspects of information security. Aspects of usability of informatic systems. Communication skills (documentation, presentation and posters).


Programs where the course is taught: