Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Specific objectives: (a) To perform energy balances and mass balances applied to the conventional and biomass systems for energy production; (b) To identify the best avaibale tecnhologies and the best scenarios for the valorization of the renewable energy resources; (c) To understand, identify and quantify the environmental effects of the conventional and biomass systems for energy production; (d) To be good to implemente the technologies for mitigation of the environmental impact of the energy systems; (e) To know how to monitorize the environmental impacts due to the energy systems.
Specific knowledge, ability and proficiency : (1) To be able to analyze the whole energy systems (from the raw source to energy product utilization ); (2) To be able to perform mass and energy balances to the whole energy systems; (3) To be able to identify, monitorize and mitigate the environmental impacts resulting from the energy systems; (5) To be able to perform the Life Cycle Analysis (ACV/LCA) of the energy products resulting from the conventional and non conventional energy systems.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Carlos Lapa dos Santos Nunes
Weekly - 2
Total - 42
Teaching language
Not aplicable
Wengenmayr, R. and Buhrke, T. (2008) Renewable Energy: Sustainable Energy Concepts for the Future, Wengenmayr, R. and Buhrke, T. (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, 120 pp (ISBN 978-3527408047)
Ralph E. H. Sims (2002) The brilliance of bioenergy: in business and in practice. James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, 316 pp. (ISBN: 1 902916 28 X)
R. Hinrichs and M. Kleinbach (2006) Energy: its use and the Environment. Thomson, 4th edition, 595 pp. + appendices (ISBN 0-495-01085-5)
G. Centi and R. A. van Santen (2007) Catalysis for renewables: from feedstock to energy production, G. Centi and R. A. van Santen (Eds.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 423 pp (ISBN: 978-3-527-31788-2)
Teaching method
Lectures and practical sessions (critical analysis of case studies).
Evaluation method
Elaboration, presentation and discussion of a specific work subject.
Succeed with a minimum classification of 9.5 values (out of 20 values)
Subject matter
1. Avaibility of fossil and renewable energetis resoucres. 2. Energy uses: systems with differents efficiencies. 3. Global vision of the production energy systems using biomass: raw materials to energy products. 4. Environmental impacts due to energy systems. Mitigation of impactes.5. Mass balances to production energy systems. 6. Informatic tools. 7. Life Cycle Analysis (ACV/LCA) to production energy systems. 8. Informatic tools. 9. Scenarios for suatainable energetic valorization: enviromental, social and economic analysis.