Operations Research Project


Development of skills to apply Operations Research techniques to model and solve real problems from industry.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Isabel Azevedo Rodrigues Gomes


Weekly - 2

Total - 56

Teaching language



Available soon


Amado, C. A., São José, J. M., & Santos, S. P. (2016). Measuring active ageing: a data envelopment analysis approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 255(1), 207-223.

Groër, C., Golden, B., & Wasil, E. (2009). The consistent vehicle routing problem. Manufacturing & service operations management, 11(4), 630-643.

Leao, A. A., Toledo, F. M., Oliveira, J. F., & Carravilla, M. A. (2016). A semi-continuous MIP model for the irregular strip packing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 54(3), 712-721.

Miralles, C., Garcia-Sabater, J. P., Andres, C., & Cardos, M. (2007). Advantages of assembly lines in sheltered work centres for disabled. A case study. International Journal of Production Economics, 110(1-2), 187-197.

Other bibliography:

Introduction to Operations Research, Frederick S. Hillier and Gerald J. Lieberman.

Operations Research: an introduction (8th edition), Hamdy A. Taha

Operations Research Applications and Algorithms, Wayne L. Winston

Teaching method

Project UC with regular oral presentations during the semester. In  COVID-19 pandemic context, it will an online course supported Zoom (synchronous sessions) and Moodle (asynchronous monitoring) platforms.

Evaluation method

Evaluation activities and corresponding weights:

Classroom assignments (15%)

Final oral presentation (35%)

Final report (50%)

The final grade is computed as the closest integer to the weighted sum of the above activities. A student passes the course if the final grade is grater or equal to 10 points. 

Subject matter

This is a course with a syllabus that can adpated to the student''''s academic profile. The syllabus will allow students to grasp the theoretical subjects that are relevant to solving real world problems, including modeling; linear, non-linear and integer optimizaition; heuristics, among others.

 It provides students with the necessary skills to be able to carry out their Porjects, that will be some application of operations research to industry.


Programs where the course is taught: