General Algebra
It is intended that students acquire knowledge on Galois Theory, Category Theory, Module Theory and Commutative Algebra.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Herberto de Jesus da Silva
Weekly - 4
Total - 54
Teaching language
Elementary knowledge of Group Theory and Ring Theory customarily provided in a Mathematics degree.
- J. Durbin, Modern Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- T. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer, 1980.
- N. Jacobson, Basic Algebra I, W. H. Freeman and Company
- S. Lang, Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
- A. J. Monteiro e I. T. Matos, Álgebra, um primeiro curso, Escolar Editora.
Teaching method
Classes consist on an oral explanation of the theory which is illustrated by examples and the resolution of some exercises.
Evaluation method
There are two mid-term tests. These tests can substitute the final exam if CT is, at least, 9.5. CT is the arithmetic mean of the non-rounded grades of the tests.
To be approved in final exam, the student must have a minimum grade of 9.5 in it.
More detailed rules are available in the portuguese version.
Subject matter
I. Elements of Galois Theory: The Galois group; Normal and separable extensions; The Galois correspondence; Solving equations by means of radicals.
II. Elements of Category Theory: Definition and examples of categories; Functors and natural transformations; Equivalence of categories; Products and coproducts; The Hom functors; Representable functors.
III. Elementary theory of Modules: Modules and module homomorphisms; Submodules and quotient modules; Direct sum and product; Free modules; Finitely generated modules; Exact sequences; Tensor product of modules.
IV. Introduction to Commutative Algebra: Prime ideals and maximal ideals; NiIradical and Jacobson radical; Operations on ideals; Rings and modules of fractions; Primary decomposition.