Mathematics Education

Education objectives

The objectives for this master is framed within the general competences, known as the Dublin Descriptors for a second cycle  and specific aims of initial teacher training set out in paragraph 3 of art. 7 of Decree-Law No. 344/89, updated by the "Profiles of general competence to teach" published in Decree-Law No. 240/2001, of August 30, valuing the dimensions of professional and social ethics, the development teaching and learning, the school participation and relationship with the community, and professional development throughout life.

More specifically, it is intended as learning objectives:

  • The personal and social education of future teachers, encouraging the adoption of attitudes of reflection, autonomy, cooperation and participation, as well as internalisation of ethical values and ability perception principles;
  • Complete their scientific, technological and technical mathematics;
  • That the postgraduate students to acquire scientific training in the field pedagogical-didactic;
  • The progressive development of teaching skills to integrate into the practice of teaching practice;
  • That the postgraduate students develop skills and attitudes of critical analysis, innovation and educational research.

General characterization

DGES code



Master (2nd Cycle)



Access to other programs

Access to a 3rd cycle


Helena Cristina Oitavem Fonseca da Rocha

Opening date





Available soon



Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 2 years

Credits: 120 ECTS

Mandatory scientifc areas

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Teacher Training FP 54 -
Mathematics M 21 -
Mathematics and Teacher Training   M / FP 45 -
TOTAL 120 0

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

The following modes of evaluation are used with regard to academic qualifications:

  1. Evaluation based solely on an examination or completion of a final project.
  2. Evaluation based on work done throughout the semester excluding examination or final project. In these courses students can expect to carry out, for example, laboratory activities, mini-tests, tests, individual or group projects, seminar-related activities, any combination of which will be used to determine the final grade.
  3. Evaluation based obligatorily on an examination or a final project. In these courses there extists a form of evaluation similar to one of the aformentioned activities in paragraph 2 as well as a form of evaluation based on a final exam.
  4. Evaluation based on work done throughout the semester with the possibility of foregoing an examination or a final project.

The final Dissertation (or Project) involves a public discussion with a Jury.