Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Teaching
This course has the overall objective to create a space for discussion, questioning, testing and implementation of several mathematical models. Based on the approach of the several programmatic contents is expected that students are able to:
- Acquire an overview of the modeling process,
- Develop the model concepts and mathematical modeling,
- Learn the basic ideas and techniques in working with trivial linear discrete dynamical systems,
- Develop the ability to adjust linear dynamic systems to problematic situations from reality,
- Develop the ability to model situations of reality, based on the collection of data using (CBL, CBR)
- Contact with the process of construction and operation of mathematical models in science,
- Promote critical analysis of mathematical models involved in various activities of daily life,
- Develop the ability to frame the role of computational tools in the process of building mathematical models of real situations,
- Reflect critically on the potential and problems of carrying out mathematical modeling activities with students.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Manuel Dias Domingos
Weekly - 6
Total - 122
Teaching language
APM (1999). Modelação no ensino da matemática. Calculadora, CBL e CBR. Lisboa: APM.
Domingos, A. (1994). Materiais para a aula de matemática. Funções e modelação. Lisboa: Projecto Pólya, Secção Ciências da Educação da FCT/UNL.
Matos, J. F. (1995). Modelação Matemática. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Matos, J. F., Blum, W., Houston, K., & Carreira, S. (2001). Modelling and mathematics education: ICTMA 9. Chichester: Hoewood Publishing.
Matos, J. F., Carreira, S. P., Santos, M., Amorim, I. (1994). Ferramentas Computacionais na Modelação Matemática. Lisboa: Projecto Modelação no Ensino da Matemática, Departamento de Educação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
Precatado, A., & Guimarães, H. (2001). Materiais para a aula de matemática. Lisboa: APM.
Silveira, B., Duarte, I., Almiro, J., Cavaleiro, J., Reis, L., e Lagido, M. (2002). Funções no 3º ciclo com tecnologia. Lisboa: APM.
Teaching method
Classes on the topics of the course. The students will make a presentation on the various topics proposed.
Classes to construct and to explore mathematical models considered by the teacher. Classes for construction and exploration of mathematical models by the students. Presentation and discussion of the works carried out by the pupils.
The assessment will be continuous and have for base:
The participation of the students in the class work (10%),
The presentation and discussion of the chosen topics (30%),
The elaboration of a report about the presented topics (10%),
The development and presentation of tasks of modelling to use in the classroom (20%),
The accomplishment of an individual work on the subject "the modelling in the teaching and learning of the mathematics" (30%).
Accomplishment of a test of quantitative evaluation. (Corresponding to above not performing items).
Working students will be able to opt to substituting the participation in the work of the class for a final examination.
Evaluation method
The assessment will be continuous and have for base:
The participation of the students in the class work (10%),
The presentation and discussion of the chosen topics (30%),
The elaboration of a report about the presented topics (10%),
The development and presentation of tasks of modelling to use in the classroom (20%),
The accomplishment of an individual work on the subject "the modelling in the teaching and learning of the mathematics" (30%).
Accomplishment of a test of quantitative evaluation. (Corresponding to above not performing items).
Working students will be able to opt to substituting the participation in the work of the class for a final examination.
Subject matter
The program of the course includes the following topics:
The process of mathematical modelling
Introduction to the dynamic systems
Modelling in science
Modelling in the society
Computational modelling and tools
Modelling in the teaching of Mathematics