Pedagogy and Didactics of Mathematics I


• Develop a set of conceptual tools relevant to the process of teaching and learning mathematics;

• Provide integration of various disciplinary knowledge, making them relevant to professional practice;

• Develop the ability to analyze and reflect on situations of teaching and learning of mathematics and the problems of professional practice;

• Provide contexts relevant to the future professional practice, where it is possible to develop the ability to work cooperatively.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Helena Cristina Oitavem Fonseca da Rocha


Weekly - 5

Total - 66

Teaching language



The frequency of this course assumes that the student mastered the appropriate mathematical knowledge.


Abrantes, P., Serrazina, L. & Oliveira, I. (1999). A Matemática na Educação Básica. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação – DEB.

Matos, J. M., e Serrazina, M. L. (1996). Didáctica da Matemática. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1991). Normas para o currículo e a avaliação em matemática escolar. Lisboa: APM/IIE.

Poincaré, H. (1988). Intuição e lógica em Matemática. Em APM (Ed.), Cadernos de Educação e Matemática — A natureza da Matemática (pp. 7-16). Lisboa: APM.

Santos, L. (2003). A avaliação em documentos orientadores para o ensino da matemática: uma análise sucinta. Quadrante, 12(1), 7-20.

Teaching method

It will be adopted a diversified set of teaching methodologies that include:

- Presentation of some ideas or theories relevant to the issues being study, and critical reflection and discussion on these;

- Critical reading of texts from relevant authors or produced by the students, and discussion of the contributions they can bring to the students'''' future professional practice;

- Analysis of mathematical tasks and discussion of their potential for the teaching of mathematics, as well as the existing diversity between the tasks;

- Class simulation by students (implementation of mathematical tasks previously prepared by students) and their analysis and discussion.

Evaluation method

The evaluation process will be continuous and will be based on:

- The participation of students in class work;

- The discussion of texts and development of oral and written reflections on these;

- Written works on programatic topics, their oral presentation and discussion;

- Discussion of some syllabus contents and possible teaching approaches;

- Resolution of several tasks with presentation of possible didactic approaches;

- Written works on didactic approaches to syllabus, their oral presentation and discussion.

- Simulation of classes based on tasks previosily prepared.

Subject matter

A. The nature of mathematics

B. Goals of mathematics teaching

C. Learning mathematics

D. The math class

E. Mathematics and problem solving

F. Mathematical investigations


Programs where the course is taught: