Assessment in Mathematics


This course has the overall objective to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the assessment process. The aim is to:

Discuss the purposes and functions of assessment;

Providing contact with different kinds of assessment;

Develop and experience the various assessment instruments;

Develop and simulate assessment practices.

It is expected that students take ownership of the various assessment tools, building, implementing and reflecting on them. Students should also develop an integrated perspective of the different evaluation options.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Helena Cristina Oitavem Fonseca da Rocha


Weekly - 6

Total - 27

Teaching language





Abrantes, P. & Araújo. F. (2002). Avaliação das aprendizagens. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação, DEB.

Alves, M. (2004). Currículo e Avaliação – Uma perspetiva integrada. Porto: Porto Editora.

Gardner, J. (2012). Assessment and Learning. London: Sage.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1991). Normas para o currículo e a avaliação em matemática escolar. Lisboa: APM/IIE.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1994). Normas profissionais para o ensino de matemática. Lisboa: APM/IIE.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1999). Normas para avaliação em matemática escolar. Lisboa: APM.

Santos, L. (2003). A avaliação em documentos orientadores para o ensino da matemática: uma análise sucinta. Quadrante, 12(1), 7-20.

Teaching method

It will be adopted a diversified set of teaching methodologies that include:

- Presentation of some ideas or theories relevant to the issues being study, and critical reflection and discussion on these;

- Critical reading of texts from relevant authors or produced by students, and discussion of the contributions they can bring to students'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' future professional practice;

- Analysis, development and/or reflexion on some assessment tools.

Evaluation method

The evaluation process will be continuous and will be based on:

- The participation of students in class work;

- The discussion of texts and development of oral and written reflections on these;

- Written works on concret assement instruments based on mathematical programatic topics suitable for students, their oral presentation and discussion.

The students who miss classes (even by justifiably reasons), and do not accomplish all the assessment requisites, have to carry out additional work and/or a written exam.

Subject matter

The syllabus of the course includes the following topics:

Assessment on the education system - international and national perspectives

Purposes and functions of assessment.

Kinds of assessment:

- diagnostic assessment

- formative assessment

- summative assessment

- self assessment

Assessment tools
Assessment in professional practice.


Programs where the course is taught: