Cell Biology B


The fundamental objective of this UC is the acquisition of knowledge regarding the structure of the eukaryotic cell, and the function of the main organelles, as well as the form of cell-extracellular and cell-cell communication.

It is expected that by the end of this course students will have achieved the following general competences: i) understand the functional organization of the eukaryotic cell; ii) characterization of p.v. structural and functional the main cellular organelles; iii) expose the mechanisms involved in cell-extracellular medium communication; iv) identify cellular mechanisms involved in cell-cell communication.

Finally, the student is expected to acquire research skills of recent literature on topics taught and be able to make an exposition and critical discussion of topics taught in lectures.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Margarida Casal Ribeiro Castro Caldas Braga


Weekly - 1

Total - 27

Teaching language





Molecular Cell Biology

Lodish H, Berk A, Kaiser CA, Krieger M, Bretscher A, Ploegh H, Amon A, Scott MP

7th Ed. WH Freeman & Company, NY, 2012


. Molecular Biology of the Cell

Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P

5th Ed. Garland Science, NY, 2007


. The World of the Cell

Hardin J, Bertoni GP, Kleinsmith LJ, ,

8th Ed. Benjamin Cummings Publ. Co., 2010


. The Cell. A molecular Approach

Cooper GM, Hausman RE

5th Ed. Sinauer Associates Inc., 2009


. Artigos científicos seleccionados

Disponibilizados pela docente na página MOODLE da disciplina

Teaching method

Theoretical lectures, synchronous via Zoom.

TP classes for exercises and problems and group work, synchronous  and asynchronous via Zoom.

Evaluation method


A) Follow the 2020-2021 BCb Standards of Conduct

1. The course will work remotely via the Zoom platform.

2. The theoretical classes will all be synchronous

3. Theoretical-practical classes will be synchronous, with the exception of the 27/11 class which will be asynchronous.

4. During classes, the teacher and all students must have their cameras connected. If the computer''s camera is not working, they will have to find a way to overcome this problem, using another device for example.

5. Students must identify themselves by their first name and surname.

6. Synchronous classes will not be recorded by the teacher, nor made available to students.

7. Only the chat will be recorded and made available to students, if they have information that may be relevant.

8. Remember that the host has access to all conversations via “chat”, even private conversations.

9. The recording of classes, without the teacher''s agreement, is prohibited and if it happens, the appropriate legal provisions will apply.

10. Students who insist on keeping the cameras off or with behavior considered inappropriate (oral or written) will be expelled from the classroom and prevented from entering again and from doing / delivering the work proposed in that class.

11. The access codes to the classes will be made available on the moodle at the place for each class.

12. Students may only change TP periods in exceptional and duly justified cases. The exchange requires prior authorization.

13. Communication with students and availability of class materials will be done via moodle.

14. The rules of evaluation and frequency of the discipline are registered in CLIP.

15. These rules may be updated.


A) Frequency in the discipline:

1. In order to obtain frequency to the discipline, students have to deliver in moodle 5 of the 6 question sheets made in TP classes.

In each TP class, exercise sheets will be made available on the subject of the previous T class (by chat on Zoom or moodle).

Students will be divided into zoom rooms with their colleagues at random. During the time of operation of these rooms they must answer the questions provided. At the end of the class, each student must upload the form to which they answered, ie, 11 am for TP1 and 4 pm for TP2.

There is a dedicated place for uploading the file on the moodle every week.

2. For attendance control, attendance at TP classes is recorded by the teacher.

3. Delays of more than 30 min prevent the student from being admitted to the TP class and from making / delivering the form corresponding to that day. Unjustified absences have the same effect.

4. Certificates and other valid justifications for absences will only be accepted if delivered in the week''s class immediately after the day of absence.

5. Student workers, and other exceptional cases, who do not attend theoretical-practical classes must carry out an assessment (to be agreed with the teacher) in order to obtain attendance at the discipline.

A student with no frequency in the discipline cannot take the test, or take the appeal exam, nor have a valid grade in the theoretical / theoretical-practical, continuous and summative assessment components.

B) Evaluation in the discipline

B.1) Evaluation Rules

The final classification of the discipline (scale from 0 to 20) results from the sum of the grades of the 2 components of the evaluation:

i) Evaluation of the theoretical / theoretical-practical component (85% = 16 points). A written test, for individual assessment of knowledge of the contents of theoretical and theoretical-practical classes. The test date is announced at the beginning of classes - 11/01/2021 - and marked on the CLIP, and there is no alternative date (s), nor repetition of the test.

Alternatively, students can pass the course by taking a final exam (Época de Recurso) - scheduled at CLIP.

Approval requires obtaining at least 8.0 values ​​out of 16 (50%) in the test score, or in the appeal exam score.


ii) Continuous assessment (theoretical-practical) (15% = 4 points). A group work - groups of 3 students from the same TP shift - on an organelle / cell structure of a eukaryotic cell, respecting the rules provided.
B.2) Conditions for obtaining Approval


Have frequency and have a rating equal to or higher than 8.0 / 16 val in the evaluation of the theoretical / theoretical-practical component; have a final score resulting from the sum of the 2 evaluation components equal to or greater than 9.5 points.



The work must be delivered by upload in moodle until 20/12/2020 (23h59), and must be identified by: "Trabalho_Nome do organelo_TPx_Gx". Just one student in the group submits the work.

Papers will be submitted to a plagiarism control platform - Turnitin - and papers with homology> 30% (reviewed on a case-by-case basis) will not be accepted. Students receive the Turnitin report and can resubmit their work by the deadline. However, after 3 submissions the report takes a few hours to be made available.

 Works delivered after this deadline will be penalized at 40% of the grade, if delivered within 2 days after the stipulated deadline. They will not be accepted after this period.

There are no alternative dates / times for submission. Exceptional situations related to the submission of papers in moodle will be resolved at the time, depending on the circumstances and / or evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

There is no minimum grade or obligation to do this work.

"Exame de Recurso"

Individual assessment of knowledge of the contents of theoretical and theoretical-practical classes. Written exam with a maximum duration of 2 hours. It is intended for students who fail (final grade below 9.5), but often to the discipline.


Students with previous frequency with a note of the component of continuous and summative assessment

Students with frequency in previous years and with a grade of the continuous and summative assessment component are exempt from the theoretical-practical classes and maintain the previous grade of these components (weighted according to the assessment of the year of attendance), but will have to be evaluated in the theoretical / theoretical-practical evaluation component.



The provisions of the FCT / UNL Regulation in force apply.

Subject matter

1. Eukaryotic and prokaryotoc cells. The cell as the fundamental unit of tissues.

2. Cell membrane: structure; membrane transport

3. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golge aparatus; structure and function. Quality control pathways

4. Lisossomes: structure and function; Autophagy and cell digestion. Peroxissomes: structure and function.

5. Mitochondria: sturcture and function. Cell death by apoptosis.

6. Cell communication. Intracellular signalling pathways; ligands, receptors and signal transduction pathways

7. Cytoskeleton: organization and function. Cell transport dependent upon molecular motors

In TP classes exercises will be solved.

During the semester and when possible at the TP class, students, in group, will have to do a writen work, using data from the literature and their knowledge on the subject. T


Programs where the course is taught: