Gestão Hospitalar


Understand What a Hospital Is and How the Health System Works

Understanding how engineering, particularly biomedical engineering can help to find solutions to existing management and clinical problems.

Know and use management (e.g. LEAN) and innovation (e.g. Design Science Research Methods) tools in hospital services.

Service management models and some business models.

Work on a case study and develop a technological solution for a specific case.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carla Maria Quintão Pereira , Luís Miguel Velez Lapão


Weekly - 3

Total - 39

Teaching language



Knowledge of biomedical and health technologies.

Fundamental knowledge of mathematics and biophysics.


Lapão, L. V. (2016). Lean in the Health Management: An opportunity to improve focus on the patient, respect for professionals and quality in the health services. Acta medica portuguesa29(4), 237-239.

Lapão, L., & Dussault, G. (2011). PACES: a national leadership program in support of primary-care reform in Portugal. Leadership in Health Services24(4), 295-307.

Marques, R., Gregório, J., Pinheiro, F., Póvoa, P., Da Silva, M. M., & Lapão, L. V. (2017). How can information systems provide support to nurses’ hand hygiene performance? Using gamification and indoor location to improve hand hygiene awareness and reduce hospital infections. BMC medical informatics and decision making17(1), 15.

CORREIA, A., AZEVEDO, V., & LAPÃO, L. V. Implementation of Telemedicine in Cape Verde: Influencing Factors A Implementação da Telemedicina em Cabo Verde: Fatores Influenciadores.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical lectures.

Exercises and working presentationss.


Evaluation method

Class Participation

Hospital Management innovation Report

Report presentation

Subject matter

Health Systems Organization

Hospital functions, with emphasis on engineering.

Existing technology at the Hospital

Service management and hospital technology.

Digital Health Fundamentals.

Hospital Management Tools

LEAN system

Innovation Systems

Innovation and Design Theory and Models Science Research Methods

Practical exercises.


Programs where the course is taught: