Signal Analysis
Upon conclusion of this course the student will be able to specify the sampling of continuous time signals, analyze and manipulate signals, both on the discrete time and frequency domain, and apply these techniques to biological signals. The course promotes initiative, autonomy, critical mind and implementation abilities.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fernando José Almeida Vieira do Coito
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Available soon
Documents and transparencies covering theory, practice and lab subject matters available on CLIP
F.Coito and M.D.Ortigueira, Análise de Sinais (in Portuguese)
Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall
Bernd Girod, R. Rabenstein and A. Stenger, Signals and Systems, Wiley
Alan V. Oppenheim, Signal and Systems, Prentice Hall
Teaching method
The course considers theoretical classes and Labs. During lab classes the conceptes introduced during th theoretical class are applied both from an analytical and an hands-on point of view. Each sequence theoretical class+lab covers a main subject.
Evaluation method
Approval in the course unit ''''''''Signal Analysis'''''''' can be achieved through one of two alternative forms:
1. An average grade above 9.5 (on a 20 value scale) on 2 tests to be held during the semester.
2. A final exam (''''''''recurso'''''''') with a minimum grade of 9.5 . The grade on this exam will be the final grade.
A frequency assessement is not required to be admitted to the final exam.
Both the tests and the exam will have two components: ''''''''theoretical/practical'''''''' evaluation, and laboratorial evaluation. The lab evaluation will address the work performed during the lab classes. The lab component of the tests will have a weight of 25%.
Class attendance is free and will not be evaluated. At the end of each practice session an individual questionnaire on the activity carried out in class will be answered. Students who answer the questionnaire in class are exempted from performing the laboratory component of the final exam and of the corresponding tests.
As aide-memoire, students are allowed to bring to the the tests and the exam a single A4 sheet of paper with formulas, tables or lab work information, for instance. Mobile phones are not allowed.
Subject matter
Introducing signal analysis
Sampling and signal reconstruction
Discrete time systems
Z transform
Fourier analysis
Applications: Filters; Time-frequency analysis