Master Thesis in Biomedical Engineering
The dissertation work for the Master in Biomedical Engineering conforms with the requirements of item b) Art 20º of DL 74/2006, and consists of an individual research and / or development work which explores the knowledge acquired in the whole program, original, and specifically identified for that purpose. The dissertation work may be based on the elaboration of a research-oriented thesis of scientific nature, or in the development of an advanced conception-oriented engineering project, or combining the two orientations.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carla Maria Quintão Pereira
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 28
Teaching language
To have finished the first cycle of the integrated Master and to have a minimum of 78 ECTS of the second cycle.
Specific for each project.
Teaching method
The unit includes research and development work with individual tutorial support from an advisor chosen by the student and accepted by the scientific commission of the course. The evaluation will be performed by public discussion of the Master''''s thesis with a jury.
Evaluation method
The work developed is formally reported in the Master Dissertation, which is defended by the candidate in public exam before a jury who assigns the final grading, according to the general regulations of FCT and UNL.
Typically, the following parameters are taken into account:
1. Quality of the state-of-the-art review and its suitability to the work objectives;
2. Quality of the performed work;
3. Extension of the performed work;
4. Quality of the critical analysis of the contributions and results obtained;
5. Quality of the oral presentation and argumentation;
6. Qualty of the written document;
7. Global appreciation.
Subject matter
Development of the work leading to the elaboration of a master dissertation in Biomedical Engineering.