Corporate Environmental Management
Students will further develop the skills obtained in the Environmental Management course and acquire new skills, particularly in the following areas:
1. Organization and management of companies
2. Business competitive strategies and their relationship with environmental strategies
3. Implementation of environmental management systems, environmental audits and cleaner production programmes
4. Capability to use tools such as ecodesign, corporate social responsibility and evaluation and reporting of sustainability performance of companies.
5. Written and oral communication skills and team work
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Paula Baptista da Costa Antunes
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
Epstein, M., 2008. Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts. Greenleaf Publishing.
Hitchcock, D., Willard, M., 2006. The Business Guide to Sustainability: Practical Strategies and Tools for Organizations. Earthscan.
Hoffman, A., 2000, Competitive Environmental Strategy. A Guide to the Changing Business Landscape, Island Press, Washington DC.
Schaltegger, S., Burritt, R. L., & Petersen, H., 2003. An introduction to corporate environmental management: Striving for sustainability. Greenleaf Publishing.
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
Organizational sustainability strategies. Environmental Management Systems. Environmental audits. Pollution prevention and cleaner production. Industrial ecology and industrial symbiosis. Ecological design of products and services. Corporate social responsibility. Sustainability assessment and reporting. Environmental accounting in business.
Programs where the course is taught: