Research Seminar


At the end of this Seminar students ought to be able to:

Define an investigation problem related to statistics applied to health;
State the specific objectives and the hypotheses that enable to answer the problem;
Specify the statistical methods to use to test the investigation hypotheses;
Apply the statistical methods using a real life database;
Interpret the results of the statistical analysis;
To write a scientific work in the area of applied health statistics.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Isabel Cristina Maciel Natário, Maria do Rosário Fraga de Oliveira Martins Sentieiro


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 42

Teaching language



Basic notions of Analysis and intermediate level notions of Probability and Statistics.


The bibliography will be indicated cover in an adequate manner the subject regarding the topic selected by each student to develop in the course

Teaching method

Video viewing and readings about the various proposed themes. 

Working sessions with a teacher-tutor, where the student''''s work is planned and discussed, towards the goal of writing a final report; the developed work should be centered in a specific health application using real data.

Evaluation method

The student must write a final report and make an oral presentation of its work.

Subject matter

The program is dependent of the problem chosen by the student.

Each teacher responsible for accompanying the student should prepare a study plan and define the objectives to be achieved. Depending on the topic, the relevant material for the subject in study will de provided.


Programs where the course is taught: