Introduction to Technology and Mechanical Processes


The objectives of this course is to provide a general and integrated overview of the life cycle of products puting some emphasis in the materials and its charcateristics as weel as in the manufacturing processes. The course also provides an engineering  perspective in product development, starting in the functional specifications and ending in the production systems and inpsection.

By accomplishing this, the student shpould have developed the following competences:


- Knowledge concerning different materials (metals, ceramics, plymers ans composites), its properties ans main applications
- Knowledge concerning different production technologies
- Basic concepts of metrological inspection and related equipments


- Materials selection according to the functional characteristics
- Selection of the right manufacturing technology for a given product
- Select the required metrological equipment for inspection and control

Soft skills:

Global technological skills

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Telmo Jorge Gomes dos Santos


Weekly - 4

Total - 42

Teaching language





All the topics:

- Class notes (Lectures and tutorials)
-  A. Schey. “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, 2ed., John McGraw-Hill Internacional Editions – Industrial Engineering Series. 1987.

Machining Processes:

A. Schey. “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, 2ed., John McGraw-Hill Internacional Editions – Industrial Engineering Series. 1987.

Plastic Deformation Processes:

Jorge Rodrigues e Paulo Martins, Tecnologia Mecânica -vol.1 e vol.2 ed. Escolar Editora, 2010

Teaching method

Lectures and demonstrations

In the tutorials there are further demonstrations and problem solving 

Lab demonstrattions.

Evaluation method

The evaluation comprises:

2 Mini-quizes with time-limit (MT1 and MT2)

1 regular Quiz (T3) with questions, calculations and analysis

The final grade will be calculated:

NF = 0,25 MT1 + 0,25 MT2 + 0,5 T3

Subject matter

Overview of the Manufacturing Technologies: Historic evolution, Creation of products, Relation Product-Material taking into account the manufacturability.

Technological Processes: Casting, Metal rolling, Forging, Extrusion/Drawing, Deep drawing, Machining, Blanking, Laser cutting, EDM, powder-metallurgy, Polymer processing, Process control, Metrology and Instrumentation, NDT.


Programs where the course is taught: