Biochemical Engineering II
Available soon
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Ascenção Carvalho Fernandes Miranda Reis, Rui Manuel Freitas Oliveira
Weekly - 4
Total - 98
Teaching language
Available soon
Teaching method
Lectures cover all the content according with to the syllabus. Problem solving classes aiming at settling knowledge acquired at the theoretical classes. Use of MATALAB for solving problems and specific computational modelling problems. Development of a literature research project under the topic of Animal Cell Technology.
The evaluation includes three components:
- 3 Individual midterm examinations or 1 final written examination.
- Modeling project with MATLAB Literature research project on Animal Cell Technology including oral presentation
- Literature research project on Animal Cell Technology including oral presentation
Evaluation method
EBII avaliação contínua
A UC é constituída por 3 módulos: I-Engenharia de bioprocessos; II- Tecnologia de células animais ; III-Biotecnologia de sistemas;
A avaliação da UC terá as seguintes componentes:
- Modulo I – teste 1
- Módulo II – teste 2.
- Módulo III- teste 3
Peso de cada componente de avaliação a ponderação na nota final será a seguinte:
- Módulo I – 45 %
- Módulo II – 27.5 %
- Módulo III – 27.5 %
A classificação final na UC é a média ponderada das 3 componentes de avaliação.
Para aproveitamento os alunos têm que obter pelo menos 9.5 valores (numa escala de 0-20) em cada componente de avaliação.
EBII avaliação por exame
- O exame é composto por 3 módulos (I, II e III) corresponde a cada um dos testes da avalçiação contínua.
- Cada módulo tem a cotação de 0-20.
- Os alunos que na avaliação contínua não tiveram proveitamento em um dos módulos podem ir a exame fazer apenas esse módulo. A nota mínima de cada módulo é 9.5 valores. Para aproveitamento no exame têm de ter 9.5 na escala de 0-20.
- Os alunos com aproveitamento podem fazer melhoria a apenas 1, 2 ou aos 3 módulos em simultâneo.
Subject matter
Module I – Bioprocess Engineering (duration 6 weeks)
1. High cell density bioprocesses
1.1. Introduction to high cell density bioreactors (types of bioreactors)
1.2. Immobilized cells bioreactors and methods of immobilization
1.3. Internal and external mass transfer resistances; interaction with biological kinetics
1.4 Internal and external thiele modulus and effectiveness factor
1.5. Continuous bioreactors with cellular recycling
1.6. Membrane bioreactors
2. Bioprocess scale -up/-down
2.1. Methods for equipment scale-up
2.2. Methods for equipment scale-down
2.3. Application examples
Module II - Animal cells technology (duration 4 weeks)
1. Introduction to methods of animal cell culture
1.1. Types of cultures (Primary, hybridomas, cell lines – BHK, CHO, PerC6, insect cells)
1.2. Methods and culture parameters (culture media, culture systems bioreactors and analytics)
2. Animal cells as a product, tool for production and tool for research and development of biotherapeutics
2.1. Production of recombinant proteins, vaccines and vectors for genic therapy.
2.2. Cellular therapy (stem cells)
2.3. In vitro models for screening and development of novel biotherapeutics
Module III – Systems bioengineering (duration 4 weeks)
1. Introduction to systems and synthetic biology
2. Differential equations modeling formalism
2.1. Properties of dynamical systems
2.2. Metabolism
2.3. Gene regulation
2.4. Signal transduction
3. Constraints based modeling formalism
3.1. Elementary flux modes
3.2. Metabolic flux analysis
3.3. Flux balance analysis
Programs where the course is taught: