European Union Law


This course aims at introducing students to the European Union (EU), from the point of view of its genesis and the main milestones of its historical evolution, as well as of its fundamental values, attributions and powers and the human, material, and budgetary means.
It is necessary to provide, on the one hand, an overview of the EU institutional framework, its fundamental principles and its decision-making procedures. This includes an analysis of the EU institutions from the point of view of their formation, composition, competence and functioning. On the other hand, it is necessary to give an overview of the legal framework of the EU and in particular of its system of sources of law, including the impact EU law produces in the legal orders of the Member States, according to certain methods and application techniques

General characterization





Responsible teacher



Weekly - 4.5

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Ana Maria Guerra Martins, Manual de Direito da União Europeia, 2.ª Edição, Almedina, Coimbra, 2017

Ana Paula Brandão, Isabel Camisão e Joana Covêlo de Abreu (Eds.) Enciclopédia da União Europeia, Petrony, Lisboa, 2017

Alessandra Silveira e Mariana Canotilho (coord.), Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia, Almedina, Coimbra, 2013

Catherine Barnard e Steve Peers (coord.), European Union Law, 2.ª Ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017

D. Chalmers, G. Davies, G. Monti, European Union Law ¿ Cases and Materials, 2ª

ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011

J. H. H. Weiler, The Transformation of Europe, The Yale Law Journal, 100, 1991, p. 2405-2483

Maria Luísa Duarte, União Europeia, Almedina, Coimbra, 2016

Miguel Gorjão-Henriques, Direito da União - História, Direito, Cidadania, Mercado Interno e Concorrência, Almedina, Coimbra, 9.ª edição, 2019

Nuno Piçarra (coord.), A União Europeia segundo o Tratado de Lisboa, Almedina, Coimbra, 2013

Paul Craig e Gráinne De Búrca, The Evolution of EU Law, 2ª Edição, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011

Teaching method

Teaching in theoretic-practical classes permanently open to students participation and based upon interactive analysis of the texts whose knowledge is mandatory (provisions in force, historical texts, case-law, etc.). Practical classes include the analysis of case-law, the resolution of practical cases and comments on legal theory texts.

Evaluation method

i)  moot court (written and oral pleadings). Grade obtained in the moot court may be improved in the written exam;
ii) Written exam.

Subject matter

Students that finish the court will have developed systemic knowledge of the European Union that will allow an easier comprehension of material domains of European Union law taught in other courses.


Programs where the course is taught: