Criminal Law: General Theory


Give the necessary theoretical and practice knowledge that will allowed the student to:

a.Understand the principles and fundamental concepts of the criminal law

b.Understand and be able to analyse critically the doctrine and jurisprudence in criminal law

c.Understand and make critical appreciation of criminal cases

Skills: Learn to identify the criminal subjects in concrete criminal cases. And learn how to use the main principles and criminal law concepts in the resolution of criminal cases

General characterization





Responsible teacher



Weekly - 6

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


BELEZA, Teresa Pizarro – Direito Penal, Vol. I., 2.ªed., Lisboa: AAFDL, 1998.

CARVALHO, Américo Taipa de- Direito Penal, Parte Geral. Questões fundamentais.3ª ed., Porto, Universidade Católica, 2016.

DIAS, Jorge de Figueiredo - Direito Penal. Parte Geral. Tomo I. Questões Fundamentais. A Doutrina Geral do Crime, 2ºed., Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2007.

STRATENWERTH, Günter – Strafrecht. Allgemeiner Teil I, Die Straftat, Köln: Heymans, 4ºed., Köln: Heymanns, 2000. Trad. castelhana: Derecho Penal. Parte general I. El hecho punible, Cizur Menor: Aranzadi, 2005.

ROXIN, Claus –  Strafrecht - Allgemeiner Teil, Bd. I (4ª ed.), Bd. II, München: Beck, 2006 e 2003. Trad. castelhana: Derecho penal- Parte General, I e II, Madrid, Civitas, 2008 e 2014.

Teaching method

The study of criminal theory and how it should and is used by the jurisprudence.

Teaching will focus on problem-solving, discussion and resolution of specifc cases, preferably collected in jurisprudence available on the Internet

Evaluation method

The evaluation elements will be those determined in the Regulation of the First Cycle of Studies Conducting the Degree  in Law. In this way the evaluation can never be inferior to the evaluation score of the final exam and will correspond to this one whenever it corresponds to the most favorable evaluation score. The final mark may be higher than the final exam, considering the oral intervention of the students in the classes and an intermediate (optional) test.

Subject matter

Because the study of the criminal theory implies the research of doctrine but also of jurisprudence, the student has to confront his knowledge of the main subjects of criminal theory with the resolution of concrete cases and also to proceed to a critical analysis of both doctrine and jurisprudence


Programs where the course is taught: