Master in Law

Education objectives

The Second Cycle has been planned according to the following two objectives: (i) developing the foundational knowledge acquired during the First Cycle, and (ii) allowing specialisation, with a choice of several areas of studies. After completing the Second Cycle, students are competent, rigorous, critical, and innovative enough to enter legal practice. They are able to practise in any legal field, both in traditional legal professions and in those requiring more contextualised legal knowledge. A high quality education is provided in order to assure that students are suitably prepared for the challenges awaiting them. During this Cycle, students will also acquire the skills they need if they are to move comfortably on to more advanced studies.

General characterization

DGES code



Master (2nd Cycle)


Master in Law

Access to other programs

Available soon


Lúcio Tomé Feteira

Opening date





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Teaching language


Degree pre-requisites

Available soon

Conditions of admittance

In accessing the Second Cycle, priority is given to graduates who have completed the First Cycle with a total of 240 credits. Overseas students must have completed a degree (8 semesters minimum) in a recognised academic institution.

Provided certain conditions are met the Faculty may admit non-law graduates with relevant academic records and/or professional experience.


Evaluation rules

1. Evaluation consists of a final written exam at the end of the first two semesters. Other elements can be taken into account as long as students are duly informed of what is going to be considered. Different methods of evaluation may exceptionally be authorised by the Scientific Council. Students may sit exams only once per term. Those who fail may resit exams only at the end of the following term. The third semester, which culminates in a public oral examination in front of a jury, is spent working on a dissertation, project or internship report.

2. The degree of Master of Law is awarded to those who have successfully completed courses with a total of 60 credits, and obtained a B (Bom) for their dissertation, project or internship report. This mark is calculated as an arithmetic average of two elements:

a) The arithmetic average of the eight highest marks obtained by the student;

b) The mark given by the jury to the submitted dissertation, project or internship report.


1º ano - 1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
33134 Methodology of Legal Research 8
33190 6
37021 6
33196 4
33108 Competition Law 6
37016 6
37033 6
33191 6
34111 Cybersecurity 5
37035 6
37053 6
37004 Diplomatic and Consular Law 6
37008 4
33185 European and Constitutional Law 2
33184 Family Law and Children 4
33194 4
37023 6
28108 Environmental Law 4
37020 Public Sector Labour Law 6
37005 European Asylum and Immigration Law 6
33149 European Law of the Sea 4
33195 4
33126 Social Security Law 6
33204 4
33203 4
33193 4
33159 Financial Instruments Law 4
33160 Financial Markets and Investments 6
37056 4
33179 Insolvency 4
37045 6
33230 5
33114 International Commercial Law 6
33121 International Economic Law 4
33122 International Humanitarian Law 6
33178 Introduction to Mediation 8
33147 Investment Arbitration 4
37022 6
37030 4
33154 Mediation - Techniques and Processes 8
33226 5
33209 6
33180 Oral Presentation for Attorneys 4
33229 5
33152 European Civil Procedure 4
33190 6
37047 6
33145 Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets 4
33228 5
37048 6
1º ano - 2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
33192 8
33134 Methodology of Legal Research 8
33190 6
33196 4
33108 Competition Law 6
37016 6
37033 6
33191 6
34111 Cybersecurity 5
37035 6
37053 6
28103 Special Administrative Law 4
37008 4
33185 European and Constitutional Law 2
33184 Family Law and Children 4
33194 4
37023 6
28108 Environmental Law 4
33118 Urban Planning Law 6
37005 European Asylum and Immigration Law 6
33195 4
33124 Economic Criminal Law 6
37060 6
33127 African Law 4
33204 4
33203 4
33193 4
37011 European Labour Law 6
33128 Philosophy of Law 6
37056 4
33179 Insolvency 4
37045 6
33227 5
33230 5
33153 International Commercial Arbitration 4
33114 International Commercial Law 6
33121 International Economic Law 4
33122 International Humanitarian Law 6
33120 International Tax Law 6
33178 Introduction to Mediation 8
33163 Introduction to Data Analysis 6
33147 Investment Arbitration 4
33146 Constitutional Justice 6
37022 6
37030 4
33154 Mediation - Techniques and Processes 8
33155 Moot Courts 4
33226 5
33210 3
33209 6
33180 Oral Presentation for Attorneys 4
33229 5
33152 European Civil Procedure 4
33190 6
37047 6
33228 5
33162 Risk Management in Financial Contracts 6
33225 5
37048 6
37041 6
2º ano - 1º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
33196 4
33108 Competition Law 6
37035 6
37004 Diplomatic and Consular Law 6
37008 4
28108 Environmental Law 4
37005 European Asylum and Immigration Law 6
33200 4
33197 5
33114 International Commercial Law 6
33199 4
33121 International Economic Law 4
33122 International Humanitarian Law 6
33202 4
33198 5
33120 International Tax Law 6
37030 4
33187 Transitional Justice 4
2º ano - 2º Semestre
Code Name ECTS
33196 4
33108 Competition Law 6
37035 6
37008 4
28108 Environmental Law 4
37005 European Asylum and Immigration Law 6
33200 4
33197 5
33114 International Commercial Law 6
33199 4
33122 International Humanitarian Law 6
33202 4
33198 5
33120 International Tax Law 6
33155 Moot Courts 4
33187 Transitional Justice 4