Methodology of Legal Research
The course "Research Methodology" aims to serve as a basis and an instrument for the
preparation of the master's dissertation that will allow the student to obtain a master's degree in Law. At the end of the semester, students attending the course will have developed the
necessary competencies to:
i) choose and delimit the subject of the dissertation;
ii) critically research and analytically treat information collected;
iii) to elaborate a project for the master's dissertation;
iv) to write the dissertation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
Aragão, Alexandra, "Breves reflexões em torno da investigação jurídica", Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Volume LXXXV, Coimbra, 2009, pp. 765-794.
Cane, Peter, e Herbert Kritzer, The Oxford Handbook Empirical Legal Research, Oxford University Press, 2010
Cohen, Morris L. e Olson, Kent C ., Legal research in a nutshell, 12.ª ed., West Academic Publishing, 2016.
Eco, Umberto, Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas , tradução do original, 7.ª ed., Lisboa, Presença, 1998
Gustin, Miracy Barbosa de Sousa e Maria Tereza Fonseca Dias, (Re)pensando a Pesquisa Jurídica , Teoria e Prática, 3ª ed., Del Rey, 2010
Larenz, Karl. Metodologia da ciência do direito, tradução do original por José Lamego, 3.ª ed., Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1997
Hespanha, António M., Como preparar uma dissertação: um guia em cinco pontos, 2009, disponível em
Hoecke, Mark van (ed.), Methodologies of legal research: which kind of method for what kind of discipline?, Hart, 2011
Hoffman, Marci e Mary Rumsey, International and Foreign Legal Research, a Coursebook , 2ª Edição, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012
Holborn, Guy, Butterworths legal research guide, 2.ª ed., Butterworths, 2005
Mann, Thomas, The Oxford Guide for Library Research, 4ª Edição, Oxford University Press, 2015
Meirim, José Manuel, Como pesquisar e referir em Direito, Coimbra Editora, 2008
Pacheco, J. A., e J. A. Lima, Fazer Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Contributos para a elaboração de dissertação e teses, Porto Editora, 2006
Park, Chris, "In other (people's) words: plagiarism by university students ¿ literature and lessons", Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 28, n. 5, 2003, 471-488
Pereira Coutinho, Clara, Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: Teoria e Prática, Almedina, 2ª Edição, 2013
Putman, William H. e Albright, Jennifer R., Legal Research, Analysis and Writing, 3ª Edição, Cengage Learning, 2014
Quivy, R. e Campenhoudt, L, Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, 3ª Edição, Gradiva, 2003
Sutherland-Smith, Wendy, Plagiarism, the internet and student learning: improving academic integrity, Routledge, 2008
Tomaél, M. I. (org.), Fontes de Informação na Internet, EDUEL, 2008
Unger, Roberto Mangabeira, What should legal analysis become?, Verso, 1996
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical class.
A first part of the class consists of the presentation of the contents of a
master's dissertation. A second part of the class consists of the presentation by the students of their
master's dissertation projects, so that they can be analyzed and discussed by the teacher and the other
Evaluation method
Essay, with consists of writing the Master's dissertation project, or written exam, without consultation, on the whole syllabus.
Who write the Master's dissertation project can also take the final exam to improve the grade
Subject matter
1) Topics I and II 1 of the program contain all the necessary steps to develop an initial problem. This
allows to fulfill the objective (i): to choose and to delimit the subject for the dissertation.
2) After the formulation of the problem, the program focuses on its topics II 2-7, to explore the various
possibilities of researching documentation and information, as well as the analysis of this material. This
allows us to fulfill the objective (ii): to critically research and analytically analyze the collected
3) Having elaborated the initial problem, collected and analyzed the documentation and information
necessary to develop this problem, the program is dedicated, in its topics III 1-3, to the formulation of
the other elements of the project: discussion of the state of art, definition of objectives and justification
of the methodology. This will meet the objective (iii): to elabore a research pre-project.
4) The topics III 4 and IV of the program will then be dedicated to the other elements that make up the
text of the dissertation, and that will allow to fulfill the objective (iv): to write the master's dissertation.