Constitutional Justice
I. The program, structure and methodology develop synergies between different jurisdictions and legal systems.
II. The impact and benefits of the program are aimed at students and candidates wishing to specialize in these areas of legal knowledge, but also for those who anticipate a career mainly anchored within the legal system of which they are nationals: magistrates, lawyers, diplomats, consultants and legal advisers, intra and extra muros.
III. To promote, advise and facilitate relations between students and participants in the Course, assisting in the interaction and relationship with other services of the Faculty, in particular, with the technical research team within the CEDIS and the Library of the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Weekly - 3
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
I. National
QUEIROZ, Cristina, Justiça Constitucional, Lisboa: Petrony, 2017.
QUEIROZ, Cristina, O Tribunal Constitucional e os Direitos Sociais, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2014.
ARAÚJO, António, O Tribunal Constitucional (1989-1996), Coim-bra, 1997.
GOMES CANOTILHO, J. J., Direito Constitucional e Teoria da Constituição, 7ª ed., Coimbra, 2003, reimp.
MORAIS, Carlos Blanco de, Justiça Constitucional, I, 2ª ed., e II, 2ª ed., Coimbra, 2011.
NOVAIS, Jorge Reis, Direitos Fundamentais e Justiça Constitucional em Estado de Direito Democrático, Coimbra, 2012.
OTERO, Paulo, Ensaio sobre o caso julgado inconstitucional, Lisboa, 1993.
II. International
BOGDANDY, Armin, e VENZKE, Ingo, In wessen Namen?. Internationale Gerichte in Zeiten globalen Regierens, Berlim, 2014.
BURGORGUE-LARSEN, L. (dir.), L'Identité Constitutionnelle saisie par les Juges en Europe, Paris, 2011.
COLLINS, Justin, Democracy's Guardians. A History of the German Federal Constitutional Court, 1951-2001, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
FAVOREAU, L., e MASTOR, W., Les cours constitutionnelles, Paris, 2011.
FISS, Owen, M., The Supreme Court, 1978 Term. Foreword: The Forms of Justice, in: 93 "Harvard Law Review" (1979), pp. 1 ss.
FULLER, Lon L., The Forms and Limits of Adjudication, in: 92 "Harvard Law Review" (1978), pp. 353 ss.
HENKIN, Louis, Infalibility under Law: Constitutional Balancing, in: 78 "Columbia Law Review" (1978), pp. 1022 ss.
HILLGRUBER, Christian, e GOOS, Christoph, Verfassungsprozessrecht, 3ª ed., Heidelberga, 2011.
JESTAEDT, Matthias, LEPSIUS, O., e MÖLLERS, Christopher, Das entgrenzte Gericht. Eine kritische Bilanz nach sechzig Jahren Bundesverfassungsgericht, Berlim, 2011.
KELSEN, Hans, La garantie jurisdictionnelle de la Constitution, in: 45 "Révue du Droit Public" (1928), pp. 197 ss.
MAYER, Franz C., Multilevel Constitutional Jurisdiction, in: BOGDANDY/BAST (eds.), "Principles of European Constitutional Law", 2ª ed., Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010, pp. 399 ss.
MICHELMAN, Frank I., The Supreme Court 1985 Term. Foreword: Traces of Self-Government, in: 100 "Harvard Law Review" (1986), pp. 4 ss.
PEGORARO, Lucio, Giustizia costituzionale comparata. Dai modelli ai sistemi, Turim, 2015.
ROUSSEAU, Domique, Droit du Contentieux Constitutionnel, 9ª ed., Paris, 2010.
SCHLAICH, Klaus, e KORIOTH, Stefan, Das Bundesverfassungsgericht. Stellung, Verfahren, Entscheidungen, 8ª ed., Munique, 2010.
SHETREET, Shimon, e TURENNE, Sophie, Judges on Trial: Independence and Accountability, 2ª ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
TUSHNET, Mark, Abolishing Judicial Review, in: 3 "Constitutional Commentary", XXVII (2014), pp. 581 ss.
TUSHNET, Mark, Weak Courts, Strong Rights: Judicial Review and Social Welfare, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.
VOSSKUHLE,Andreas, Pyramid or Mobile? Human Rights Protection by the European Constitutional Courts, Discurso proferido por ocasião da Abertura do Ano Judicial, Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do Homem, em 31 de Janeiro de 2014, reproduzido: 1-6 "Human Rights Law Journal", 34 (2014), pp. 1 ss.
VOSSKUHLE,Andreas, Multilevel Cooperation of the European Constitutional Courts. Der Europaïsche Verfassungsgerichtsverbund, in: 6 "European Constitutional Law Review" (2010), pp. 175 ss.
ZAGREBELSKY, Gustavo, La legge e la sua giustizia. Tre capitoli di giustizia costituzionale (trad. cast. "La ley e su justicia. Tres capítulos de justicia constitucional"), Madrid, 2014.
ZAGREBELSKY, Gustavo, e MARCENÒ, V., Giustizia Costituzionale, Bolonha, 2012.
III. Legislation
Constitution of the Portuguese Republic
Statute of the Constitutional Court
IV. Jurisprudence
I. Constitutional Court
II. Court of Justice of the European Union
III. European Court of Human Rights
V. Internet sites
Teaching method
Interactive workshops
Evaluation method
In accordance with the objectives and competences defined, students should undertaken a written test following the Faculty rules and regulations. In addition, opptionaly, students can also present a writting paper, maximum of 15 pages, including cover page, for evaluation purposes.
Subject matter
The program reflects the relevance and growing importance of a basic understanding of a specific sector of specialization of Constitutional Law,— Constitutional Justice.
The impact and benefits of the program are aimed at students and candidates wishing to specialize in these areas of legal knowledge, but also for those who anticipate a career, mainly anchored within the legal system of which they are nationals: magistrates, lawyers, diplomats, consultants and legal advisers, intra and extra muros.