Family Law and Children


1. To understand the concept of the Best Interest of the Child as a guiding principle of all the subjects of the discipline;
2. To study the supralegal sources of Children's Rights, especially the Portuguese Constitution, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights, with a view to fundamental rights.
3. To critically think about the concept of family and the evolution of jurisprudence in this context.
4. To understand the concept, requirements and procedure of national and international adoption, as well as the protection of the several involved fundamental rights
5. To understand the current legal system of parental responsibilities, differentiate the concepts of parental responsibility, custody and residence, as well as the various legally practicable regimes.
6. Formulate critical and sensitive perspectives on sensitive issues, such as the power of correction, parental manipulation, international abduction, and alternate residence.
7. Understand the aims and functioning of the protection regime for children and young people in danger, its guiding principles such as the prevalence of the family and the ultima ratio of measures that lead to a departure from the natural environment.
8. To Understand the purpose of the Intervention in the scope of the educational tutelary process as oriented to the education of the child for the Law and for the fundamental values ¿¿in society,
9. To understand the practical functioning of the educational tutelary process, its applicable measures and criteria of choice, based on the international principles in the matter.

General characterization





Responsible teacher



Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Francisco Pereira Coelho, Guilherme de Oliveira, Curso de Direito da Família, 5ª Edição, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro, O Direito da Família Contemporâneo, 5ª Edição, Almedina, 2016

Susana Almeida, Familia a la Luz del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, Juruá, 2016

Susana Almeida, O Respeito pela Vida (Privada e) Familiar na Jurisprudência do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do Homem: A Tutela das Novas Formas de Família, Juruá, 2016

Gustavo ferraz de Campos Monaco, A Declaração Universal dos Direitos da Criança e seus Sucedâneos Internacionais, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2004

Paulo Guerra, Helena Bolieiro, A Criança e a Família ¿ Uma questão de Direitos, 2ª Edição, Coimbra Editora

Paulo Guerra (org.), I Congresso de Direito da Família e das Crianças, Coimbra: Almedina, 2016.

Maria Clara Sottomayor, Regulação do Exercício das Responsabilidades Parentais nos casos de Divórcio, reimpressão da 6.ª edição revista, aumentada e atualizada de 2014, Coimbra: Almedina, 2016

Joaquim Manuel da Silva, A Família das Crianças na Separação dos Pais, Petrony, 2016

Fundamental Rights Agency & European Council, Hanbook on European Law relating to the Rights of the Child

Ana Rita Gil, ¿A adoção de filho do cônjuge ou unido de facto do mesmo sexo ¿ o direito vigente à luz dos princípios constitucionais¿, in AA.VV., Estudos em Memória do Conselheiro Artur Maurício, Coimbra Editora, 2014, pp. 49-76

Ana Rita Gil,  A Convivência Familiar nos Casos de Regulação e Exercício das Responsabilidades Parentais à luz da Jurisprudência do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos¿, Revista do Ministério Público, n.º 53, Jan-Mar. 2018

Ana Rita Gil, ¿A garantia de Habeas Corpus no contexto de aplicação de medida de promoção e proteção de acolhimento residencial ¿ Comentário ao Acórdão do STJ de 18/01/2017¿, Julgar Online, Outubro de 2017.

Ana Rita Gil, ¿Child-Friendly Justice ¿ Orientações Europeias para uma Mudança de Paradigma¿, Revista Luso-Brasileira de Alienação Parental, n.º 10, Fev.-Maio 2017, pp. 248-257


Recursos disponíveis online:

AA.VV., Adoção, Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2015.

AA.VV., As Leis das Crianças e Jovens ¿ Reforma de 2015, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2015

AA.VV., A Tutela Cível do Superior Interesse da Criança ¿ Tomo I e II Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2014.

AA.VV., Guia Prático do Divórcio e das Responsabilidades Parentais, 2.ª edição, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2014.

AA.VV., Intervenção em sede de Promoção e Proteção de Crianças e Jovens, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2015.

AA.VV., Intervenção Tutelar Educativa, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2015.

Teaching method

In the classes subjects will be presented so that the students may critically question the law in force in light of the supralegal principles. Practical hypotheses will be developed to promote the debate.
Students should read some rulings and to discuss them in classes.
Starting in mid-March, students will present papers on subjects related to the topics and shall bring cases and problems to discuss in class.

Evaluation method

Final Evaluation: Final Exam
Continuous assessment:

20% participation in classes and discussion of research works
80% research work


Subject matter

The discipline will begin by identifying cross-cutting topics that will lay the groundwork for reasoning on the subjects studied, which are part of the first objectives described above: comprehend the supralegal sources of Children's Law, especially the Portuguese Constitution, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights, so as to ensure that the subject is viewed from a fundamental rights point of view and to understand the concept of the Best Interest of the Child as the guiding criterion for all subject matter;
This methodology should then always be present in addressing the four major themes studied (Adoption, regulation of parental responsibilities, protection of children and young people in danger, and educational tutelary process).
Being the branch of law in analysis particularly permeable to social change, and strongly based on judgments of fairness of the judge, students will also be permanently stimulated, in all subjects, to formulate critical judgments on the most fracturing questions that may arise.


Programs where the course is taught: