European and Constitutional Law


Constitutional Law:

. Understand the structuring Constitutional Principles of the CRP;

. Know how to identify the fundamental rights protected by the Portuguese constitutional system, as well as to evaluate the constitutionality of legislative restrictions;

. Understand the principles of equality, universality and equality as regulating the scope of all fundamental rights protected by the constitutional system, and understand the exceptions to them;

. To understand the various types of constitutional review and their articulation in practice;

. Know how to write an appeal to the Constitutional Court.

European law:

. Understanding the European Union as an organization based on the rule of law and on several structural principles

. Distinguish between the various EU institutions and the role of each one in practice

. Distinguish the several sources of EU law

. Understand and articulate the various legal actions before the Courts of the European Union, their purposes and procedural requirements.

General characterization





Responsible teacher



Weekly - 0.75

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon






Portuguese Constitution

Law on the Organisation and Functioning of the Constitutional Court




- JJ Gomes Canotilho, Direito Constitucional e Teoria da Constituição, Almedina, 2017


- Jorge Bacelar Gouveia, Manual de Direito Constitucional, vol I e II, 6ª edição, Almedina, 2016


- Vieira de Andrade, Os Direitos Fundamentais na Constituição Portuguesa de 1976, edição, Almedina, 2016


- Jorge Pereira da Silva, Deveres do Estado de Proteção de Direitos Fundamentais, Universidade Católica Editora, 2015


- Reis Novais, Os Princípios Constitucionais Estruturantes da República Portuguesa, Coimbra Editora, 2011


- Reis Novais, As Restrições aos Direitos Fundamentais não Expressamente Autorizadas pela Constituição, Coimbra Editora, 2010


- Cristina Queirós, Justiça Constitucional, Petrony, 2017


- AA.VV., Enciclopédia da Constituição Portuguesa, Quid Juris, 2011


- Lopes do Rego, Os Recursos de Fiscalização Concreta na Lei e na Jurisprudência do Tribunal Constitucional, Almedina, 2010








European Union Treaty

Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union





Maria Luísa Duarte, União Europeia ¿ estática e dinâmica da ordem jurídica eurocomunitária, reimpressão, Coimbra: Almedina, 2017.

Miguel Gorjão Henriques, Direito da União ¿ História, Direito, Cidadania, Mercado Interno e Concorrência, Coimbra: Almedina, 2017.

Ana Maria Guerra Martins, Manual de Direito da União Europeia ¿ - Após o Tratado de Lisboa, 2.ª edição, Coimbra: Almedina, 2017.

Patrícia Fragoso Martins, Direito Constitucional da União Europeia, Universidade Católica, 2017

Francisco Pereira Coutinho,¿ Os tribunais nacionais na ordem jurídica da União Europeia. O caso português, Coimbra Editora, 2013.

Maria Luísa Duarte, Direito do contencioso da União Europeia, AAFDL, 2017.

Maria Luísa Duarte, União Europeia e Direitos Fundamentais ¿ no espaço da internormatividade, AAFDL, 2006.

Alessandra Silveira, Mariana Canotilho, (coord.), Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia Comentada, Coimbra: Almedina, 2013~

Ana Paula Brandão et Al., (coord.), Enciclopédia da União Europeia, Petrony, 2017

Teaching method

Classes will be developed through an exposition by the responsible Professor. However, in some cases the "case method" will be used, through an analysis of the case law of the EU Constitutional Court and Court of Justice.

All matters will be considered from the point of view of its practical applicability by the law professional.

Evaluation method

The student  may choose:

1) To be subjected to a continuous assessment, through two tests, one on the subject of Constitutional Law, and another on European Law;

2) or only to perform a final evaluation, through a final exam.

Subject matter

The discipline has a very short teaching load, and its integration in the Master of Litigation and Arbitration requires a practical approach. Thus, instead of focusing on theoretical knowledge, students should know how to apply both Constitutional Law and European Law in practice.

This is the general objective, and the contents are structured so that students first understand the structuring principles that inspire each of the two legal sub-systems under analysis and then know how to apply them to the litigation level.


Programs where the course is taught: