European Asylum and Immigration Law
Provide students with a general and thorough knowledge of European Asylum and Immigration Law. As part of the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, European Asylum and Immigration Law is characterized by its constant evolution and political prominence, constituting a complex legal discipline that is decisive for national immigration and asylum law. Students should acquire in-depth knowledge to correctly interpret and apply the legal rules governing the entry, stay and removal of third-country nationals from the territory of the European Union.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Weekly - 3
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
AAVV, O Contencioso do Direito de Asilo e Proteção Subsidiária, 2016, CEJ
FRA ¿ Manual de legislação europeia sobre asilo, fronteiras e imigração, 2014, disponível in: borders
HAILBRONNER, K., THYM, D (ed) - EU Immigration and Asylum Law. A Commentary, 2.ª ed., 2016
GIL, Ana Rita ¿ Imigração e Direitos Humanos, Petrony, 2017
PEERS, Steve - EU Justice and Home Affairs Law, Volume I: EU Immigration and Asylum Law, 4.ª ed., OUP, Oxford, 2016
PIÇARRA, Nuno - Anotac¿a¿o e comenta¿rio aos artigos 77.o a 80.o do Tratado sobre o Funcionamento da Unia¿o Europeia, in Manuel Lopes Porto e Gonc¿alo Anasta¿cio (coord.), Tratado de Lisboa Anotado e Comentado, Coimbra, 2012, pp. 395-421;
PIÇARRA, Nuno - ¿Espaço de Liberdade, Segurança e Justiça¿, in A. P. Brandão, F. Pereira Coutinho, I. Camisãoe J.Covelo de Abreu(coord.) Enciclopédia da União Europeia, Petrony, Lisboa, 2017, pp. 169-174
PIÇARRA, Nuno - ¿Fronteiras, Vistos, Asilo e Imigração¿, in Silveira, CanotilhoFroufe(coord.), Direito da União Europeia. Elementos de Direito e Políticas da União, Almedina, Coimbra, 2016, pp. 308-325
PIÇARRA, Nuno - ¿A política de fronteiras da União Europeia e os seus desenvolvimentos mais recentes¿ in Segurança Europeia, Atena, n.º 38, 2017, pp. 255-273
PIÇARRA, Nuno - ¿Union européenne, frontières extérieures et frontières intérieures dans la «crise des migrants et des réfugiés sans précédent». Sur l¿article 29 du code frontières Schengen et sur la décision d¿exécution 2016/894 du Conseil¿, Themis, ano XVII, pp. 67-124.
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de ¿ ¿A protecc¿a¿o tempora¿ria enquanto elemento de um sistema europeu de asilo: a proposta de directiva comunita¿ria sobre a protecc¿a¿o tempora¿ria¿. In Themis, II, n.º 3 (2001), pp. 263-279
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de - L¿emergence du droit europe¿en de l¿immigration et de l¿asile: bilan et perspectives. Galileu (Dezembro 2003), pp. 139-164.
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de - Direito de asilo: prerrogativa soberana dos Estados ou direito subjectivo do estrangeiro perseguido? In Janus 2004
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de - Novedades en derecho comunitario de inmigracio¿n y asilo. In Las Fronteras del a ciudadani¿a en Espan¿a y en la Unio¿n Europea, Documenta Universitaria. 2006, pp. 27-40
SOUSA, Constança Urbano de - ¿Taking the ¿bogus¿ out of the discourse concerning Asylum¿, in Apap, Joanna (Ed.) Justice and Home Affairs in the EU: Liberty and Security Issues after Enlargement, Edward Welgar (Cheltenham, UK/ Northampton, USA), 2004, pp.275-280. ISBN 1-84376-787-2.
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de -¿La directive 2003/86/CE du Conseil, du 22 Septembre 2003, relative au droit au regroupement familial: Une histoire sans une issue heureuse?, Efarmoges Dimosiou Dikaiou (Review of Applied Public Law) 2006 ¿ I , pp. 5-26
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de -¿Globalização e Livre Circulação de Pessoas¿ (2015), Themis, ano XIII, n.ºs 26/27, 2014, pp. 137-142
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de -¿Sanções contra os empregadores de imigrantes em situação irregular: uma análise crítica da Diretiva 2009/52/CE, de 18 de junho de 2009 e da sua transposição para a ordem jurídica portuguesa¿ (em linha) Galileu ¿ Revista de Direito e Economia, 1.º semestre 2018, pp. 40-63 disponível in:
SOUSA, Constanc¿a Urbano de -The relevance of migration for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, (Ed.), Lisboa: Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2019, ISBN 978-989-8191-95-6; E ¿ ISBN 978-989-8191-94-6; DOI
Teaching method
Two pedagogical models are used:
Teaching the syllabus in theoretical-practical sessions, through discussion of the various themes and resolution of practical cases. The exhibition follows the participatory model, where the student must not only listen and learn from the teacher, but also exercise the knowledge learned through interactive analysis of texts of mandatory knowledge (such as current law and relevant case law), as well as case resolution. The teacher assumes a tutorial role, guiding students through text analysis, solving practical problems and doubts, stimulating their orality.
Promotion of the student's autonomous and individual work (study, preparation of classes, written work, preparation for the exam).
Evaluation method
Elaboração de um trabalho escrito (30%) e realização de exame final (70%).
Subject matter
The syllabus of the course allows students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of this legal discipline, which regulates a current and complex reality. An in-depth knowledge of constantly evolving European Asylum and Immigration Law is essential to their training as European lawyers, contributing to their specialization. Taking into account the growing importance of this complex branch of law for the practice of the most varied legal professions, the program allows not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the capacity for the development of autonomous study to complete their basic education.