
Commercial companies play a central role in economic life. Sound corporate governance is essential for the economic development.

The aim of this course is to deepen knowledge in the Corporate Law area, focusing on the organization of commercial companies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Caetano Nunes


Weekly - 3

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Abreu, Jorge Manuel Coutinho de, Governação das sociedades comerciais, 2ª ed., Almedina, 2010

Nunes, Pedro Caetano, Os modelos de governo das sociedades anónimas; Os poderes deveres dos non executive directors, IV Congresso DSR, 2016, 51-77

Antunes, José Augusto Engrácia, Direito das Sociedades, 7.ª ed., 2017 (edição do Autor)

Davies, P. L. & Hopt, K. J., Corporate Boards in Europe; Accountability and Convergence, American Journal of Comparative Law, 2013, 301¿376

Davies, P. L., Gower and Davies Principles of Modern Company Law, 10th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2016

Teaching method

The teaching will be both theoretical (content exposure and discussion topics or doctrinal texts) and practical (discussion of practical cases of jurisprudence and legal practice texts). In this context, external teachers will be invited, occasionally, to participate in classes, ensuring that they will be "experts of recognized experience and professional competence", combining a solid academic preparation with significant practical experience in the field to teach.

Evaluation method

The evaluation encompasses the mandatory completion of a final exam. Practical exercises can also be evaluated.

Subject matter

The syllabus presented reflects a broad and relational perspective either between the various subjects which are in the field of study or the legal and practical realities of today. Apart from a theoretical doctrinal approach to legal concepts, it seeks to provide the students with skills required for a proper use of legal instruments essential to their future professional activity.


Programs where the course is taught: