The course aims therefore to introduce students to the world of international intellectual property law and making them familiar with the system of European IP law, how their statutes work and how they are applied, with a special focus on technological fields. Furthermore, students should be able to actively analyze and solve practical questions of intellectual property law.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Weekly - 3
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
- Justine Pila & Paul Torremans - European Intellectual Property Law. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019
- Alberto Sá e Mello - Manual de Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos. Coimbra: Almedina, 2019
- Luís Couto Gonçalves - Manual de Direito Industrial. Propriedade Industrial e Concorrência Desleal. 8.ª edição. Coimbra: Almedina, 2019.
- Pedro Sousa e Silva - Direito Industrial. Noções Fundamentais. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2011.
Teaching method
Evaluation method
Students grading will result from the evaluation of two elements: a written essay and a final exam.
Students will write an essay on a particular subject that they will choose. During classes students are encouraged to ask questions and give their opinion in relevant subjects. Their participation performance will be relevant to adjust the essay grade.
The 3-hours exam will be an open book exam. This means that students may use statutory printings, books, your hand notes and any other printed material. Students who fail the exam will be offered the possibility to re-take the exam.
Final grading: student's written essay grade adjusted by the in-class participation (if higher than the exam grade): 50%; exam: 50%. If the exam grade is higher than the student's essay grade, the exam grade will be the final grade.
Subject matter
Intellectual property (IP) impacts business and our everyday lives, in many aspects. Enterprises and entrepreneurs need protection for their inventions, product designs, brands, internet domains, computer programs, entertainment products and other immaterial assets. These assets and related issues are protected and ruled by intellectual property laws, such as patent law, design law, trademark law and copyright law.
In European territory intellectual property is a growing field for European directives and regulations since by nature the ownership and protection of intellectual property rights interferes with the functioning of the common market. The course will deal with international IP law and with the system of European harmonization of intellectual property law (conventions, directives and regulations) in the fields of copyright, patents, designs and trademarks.