Law and Society
The aim of the discipline is that of making available for students theoretical and methodological tools relative to the various types of interaction extant between law and its social contexts of production and use. For the doctorate in law (DD) only general objectives are brought to the fore. As concerns the law and security doctorate (DDS) the program includes some specific aims, linked to current security issues and their legal-normative dimensions. The general objectives are shared by the two student groups: the acquisition of advanced knowledge on the most important themes raised, so they will be capable of innovating and eventually enlarge the scope of the domains which they will engage in for their doctoral theses.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Armando Manuel de Barros Serra Marques Guedes
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
Karl Marx (1818-1863): Karl Marx (1ª ed.: 1959), textos originais editados em Lord Lloyd of Hampstead, Introduction to Jurisprudence, London, Stevens Sons, 1979 Cap. 10: ¿Marxist Theories of Law and State¿, pp. 724-815.
Roger Cotterrell (1992), The Sociology of Law: an Introduction, London, Dublin, Edinburgh, (1ª ed.: 1984), (Cap. 4: ¿Law, Power and Ideology¿, pp. 99-133). BFDUNL: S2-33.
Isaac D. Balbus (1977), ¿Commodity form and legal form: an essay on the «relative autonomy» of the law¿, in Law and Society, pp. 571-588 [11]
Andrew Vincent, ¿Marx and Law¿, Journal of Law and Society, Nº20, 1993, p. 371-97.
Émile Durkheim (1858-1917): Émile Durkheim, (1975, original 1893), ¿L¿origine de l¿idée du Droit¿, em Textes I: 233-241, Éditions de Minuit.
___________(1950, original de 1922), Leçons de Sociologie. Physique des M¿urs et du Droit, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.
Max Weber (1864-1920): Max Weber (1978, 1ª ed.: 1920), Economy and Society: an outline of interpretative sociology (ed.: Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1978, Vol. I, pp. 3-62; 213-254; BFDUNL: S1-27 (1); Vol. II, pp. 880-899. BFDUNL: S1-27(2).A. [trad. castelhana: Economía y Sociedad: esbozo de sociología comprensiva, Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993. BFDUNL: S1-9].
Roger Cotterrell (1992), The Sociology of Law: an Introduction, London, Dublin, Edinburgh, (1ª ed.: 1984), (Cap. 5: ¿The Acceptance and Legitimacy of Law¿, pp. 148-178; 99-133). BFDUNL: S2-33.
Rogério Soares (1969), Direito Público e Sociedade Técnica, Coimbra.
J. Oliveira Ascensão (1982), ¿Por um direito vivo¿, Revista de Direito e de Estudos Sociais XXVI (1,2,3,4): 5-17, Lisboa e Coimbra.
Maria Manuel Leitão Marques e Fernando Ruivo (1982), ¿Comunidade e Antropologia Jurídica em Jorge Dias: Vilarinho da Furna e Rio de Onor¿, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 10: 41-87.
Will Kymlicka (1995), Multicultural Citizenship, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Cristina Nogueira da Silva (2009), ¿Conceitos oitocentistas de cidadania. Liberalismo e igualdade¿, Análise Social, Vol. XLIV (192).
_______________(2009), ¿«Missão civilizacional» e Codificação de «usos e costumes» na doutrina colonial portuguesa (séculos XIX-XX)¿, in Quaderni Fiorentini per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno, nºs 33-34, t. II, 2004-2005, pp. 899-921.
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2004), "Por uma concepção multicultural de direitos humanos", in Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (org.), Reconhecer para libertar. Os caminhos do cosmopolitismo multicultural. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 331-356.
Boaventura de Sousa Santos; Rodríguez-Garavito, César (orgs.) (2005), Law and Globalization from Below. Towards a Cosmopolitan Legality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. FDUNL: S2 ¿ 40 (1) [trad. Espanhola: Santos, Boaventura de Sousa; Rodríguez-Garavito, César (orgs.) (2007), El derecho y la globalización desde abajo. Hacia una legalidad cosmopolita. Barcelona: Anthropos-Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Armando Marques Guedes, Maria José Lopes, Yara Miranda, João Dono e Patrícia Monteiro (2001) ¿Litígios e Pluralismo em Cabo Verde. O sistema judicial e as formas alternativas¿, Themis. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UNL 3: 1-69.
Armando Marques Guedes, N¿gunu Tiny, Ravi Afonso Pereira, Margarida Damião Ferreira e Diogo Girão (2003) Litígios e Pluralismo. Estado, sociedade civil e Direito em São Tomé e Príncipe, Almedina, Coimbra.
Armando Marques Guedes (2008), ¿Uma articulação entre o Estado e as ¿Autoridades Tradicionais¿? Limites na congruência entre o Direito do Estado e os Direitos ¿Tradicionais¿ em Angola¿, em (ed.) Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Estudos Comemorativos dos 10 anos da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, vol. 1: 715-753, Almedina, Coimbra.
Teaching method
The autonomy of the law and/or its dependency(ies) in relation to contexts in which discourses and jural acts in are embedded have raised many fascinating academic discussions. In some cases their socio-anthropological and historical contexts are envisaged as essential for legal production and practices, in other economic systems are instead, in others still, politics, or/and a combination of these factors, in terms of variable modulations and specific weights¿ and ones that change from author to author. The seminars touch, in chronological order, some of the crucial moments of these ongoing discussions. They aim at a contextualisation of the readings carried out, and focus on their ¿non-autonomisation¿ (or on their only partial autonomy), both as concerns national and international theoretical productions.
In what concerns the students enrolled in the Law and Security doctorate (DDS), the program is the same e will include specific texts, which constitute obligatory Reading, and that will be the ones initially listed here, which may be uptated as new developments unfold.
Evaluation method
Student evaluation will be carried out during the Seminars, both as pertains to presentations made (which will be explained in detail in the first session) and, mostly, via the evaluation of 15 to 25pp. papers which must be handed in according to Faculty timetables. What follows below includes obligatory readings for the elaborations of these texts. These are listed below. Other academic readings may naturally be used if they are considered as relevant.
Subject matter
The autonomy of the law and/or its dependency(ies) in relation to contexts in which discourses and jural acts in are embedded have raised many fascinating academic discussions. In some cases their socio-anthropological and historical contexts are envisaged as essential for legal production and practices, in other economic systems are instead, in others still, politics, or/and a combination of these factors, in terms of variable modulations and specific weights¿ and ones that change from author to author. The seminars touch, in chronological order, some of the crucial moments of these ongoing discussions. They aim at a contextualisation of the readings carried out, and focus on their ¿non-autonomisation¿ (or on their only partial autonomy), both as concerns national and international theoretical productions.
In what concerns the students enrolled in the Law and Security doctorate (DDS), the program is the same e will include specific texts, which constitute obligatory Reading, and that will be the ones initially listed here, which may be uptated as new developments unfold..