General Parasitology
It is our intention to promote the acquisition of notions / general concepts of Medical Parasitology in its three strands Medical Protozoology, Helminthology and Entomology, transmitting / deepening also notions on the epidemiology, diagnosis and control of major human parasitic diseases. When this course is finished students should be able to: 1. Define the concept of Medical Parasitology in its three strands, Protozoology, Helminthology and Entomology. 2. Describe the main groups of protozoa and helminths and their differential morphological features. 3. Assess the impact of parasitism at the clinical, economic and social level, and its epidemiology. 4. Know and perform basic techniques for the study of the main parasites of medical importance. 5. Know the medical importance of arthropods either as disease agents or as vectors of pathogens, and their intervention in various pathologies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Olga Matos
Weekly - 8
Total - 42
Teaching language
Attendance of 2/3 of classes is mandatory
• W Petters and Geoffrey Pasvol. 2007. Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 6th Edition. Elsevier Science London, UK. • Garcia L. S. 2007. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. 5ª edição. ASM Press. Washington, DC, USA. • Manson's Tropical Diseases. 2002. 21ª edição, Cook G. C. and Zumla A. I. (Ed.),WB Saunders, London, UK.
Teaching method
Lectures, problem-solving, practical classes.
Evaluation method
The final rating will be assigned on a scale of 0-20 values, based on: an examination consisting of a theoretical part (weighting 60%) with 30 multiple choice questions; and a practical part (40% weighting) in which students will have to identify examples of parasites and insect vectors presented in practical classes of Protozoology, Helminthology and Entomology. The student will be approved if it has a final grade equal to or greater than 10.
Subject matter
I. General concepts of Parasitology.
II. Laboratory methods for diagnosis of human parasitoses.Observation and identification of specimens.
III. Medical Helminthology: Cestodes, Trematodes and Nematodes.
IV. Medical Entomology: Sand flies (Diptera, Psychodidae).
V. Mosquitoes. Subfamilies Anophelinae, Culicinae and toxorhynchites. Main species with medical significance. Identification of specimens.
VI. Medical Protozoology: Trypanosomatidae Family:
Programs where the course is taught: