Globalization and Security Risks
1. Develop capacity to understand, analyse and investigate themes and problems arising from the procedure (s) of Globalisation, inserted a logic security and securitization;
2. Based on practical case studies, acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge about the concept of security, with emphasis on the terms of cooperative security and human security in a changing World;
3. Acquire knowledge about response instruments for use in a global world increasingly characterized by the emergence of new risks, threats and conflicts inter and infra states (diplomacy, development, cooperation, democracy);
4. Develop capacity to perceive and analyze portuguese positioning in terms of the various alliances and international cooperation;
5. Gather information about current and future reality, enabling participation in processes of strategic analysis and decision-making support, in particular in the sphere of public policies. The CU ends with several sessions dedicated to the presentation of case studies and a final synthesis, discussing the issues addressed in the various modules.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Teresa Maria Ferreira Rodrigues
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Not Applicable
Baylis, J., Smith, S., & Owens, P., The Globalization of World Politics, 5ed., Nova Iorque: Oxford University Press, 2011; BUZAN, Barry, People States and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era, (2nd edition revised), Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf; FRIEDMAN, George, A Próxima Década, Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 13/02/2012; FRIEDMAN, George, Os Próximos 100 Anos - Uma previsão para o século XXI, col. História Viva, Portugal: Livros d'Hoje, 2010; GRATALOUP, Christian, Géohistoire de la Mondialisation, coll. « U », Paris: A. Colin, 2007; GUIDDENS, Anthony, O Mundo na Era da Globalização, 7ª Ed., Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2000; MYTEEN, G., BECK, Ulrich, A Critical Introduction to the Risk Society, Londres: Pluto Press, 2004; ¿Quel monde en 2030?¿, in Revue Internationale et Stratégique, nº 80 (4/2010), Numéro spécial sous la direction de Pascale Boniface, Paris: Armand Colin, 2011.; 0; 0; 0; 0
Teaching method
- Presentation of the different subjects by the teacher and other invited specialists.
- Presentation and discussion of texts and of the student's individual researches (case studies).
Evaluation method
- Participation in sessions, attendance, oral presentation of texts and research - 25%
- Written work with about 15 pages - 75%
Subject matter
Module 1. Globalisation & Security-concepts and dynamics
1. Globalization: definitions, sheds and temporalities.
2.. Economic-financial dynamics of globalization
3.Globalisation, standardisation and identity
Module 2. The challenges of globalisation. A new World order.
1. Actors
2. Themes and issues
3. Prospective scenarios
Module 3. Power of States in a Global World
1. . «Hard Power e Soft Power»
2. An attempt at interpretation and ranking
3. Creating an analysis model
4. Case studies