Globalization and Security Risks


1. Develop capacity to understand, analyse and investigate themes and problems arising from the procedure (s) of Globalisation, inserted a logic security and securitization;

2. Based on practical case studies, acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge about the concept of security, with emphasis on the terms of cooperative security and human security in a changing World;

3. Acquire knowledge about response instruments for use in a global world increasingly characterized by the emergence of new risks, threats and conflicts inter and infra states (diplomacy, development, cooperation, democracy);

4. Develop capacity to perceive and analyze portuguese positioning in terms of the various alliances and international cooperation;

5. Gather information about current and future reality, enabling participation in processes of strategic analysis and decision-making support, in particular in the sphere of public policies. The CU ends with several sessions dedicated to the presentation of case studies and a final synthesis, discussing the issues addressed in the various modules.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Teresa Maria Ferreira Rodrigues


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Not Applicable


Baylis, J., Smith, S., & Owens, P., The Globalization of World Politics, 5ed., Nova Iorque: Oxford University Press, 2011; BUZAN, Barry, People States and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era, (2nd edition revised), Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf; FRIEDMAN, George, A Próxima Década, Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 13/02/2012; FRIEDMAN, George, Os Próximos 100 Anos - Uma previsão para o século XXI, col. História Viva, Portugal: Livros d'Hoje, 2010; GRATALOUP, Christian, Géohistoire de la Mondialisation, coll. « U », Paris: A. Colin, 2007; GUIDDENS, Anthony, O Mundo na Era da Globalização, 7ª Ed., Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2000; MYTEEN, G., BECK, Ulrich, A Critical Introduction to the Risk Society, Londres: Pluto Press, 2004; ¿Quel monde en 2030?¿, in Revue Internationale et Stratégique, nº 80 (4/2010), Numéro spécial sous la direction de Pascale Boniface, Paris: Armand Colin, 2011.; 0; 0; 0; 0

Teaching method

  1. Presentation of the different subjects by the teacher and other invited specialists. 
  2. Presentation and discussion of texts and of the student's individual researches (case studies).

Evaluation method

  1. Participation in sessions, attendance, oral presentation of texts and research - 25%
  2. Written work with about 15 pages - 75%

Subject matter

Module 1. Globalisation & Security-concepts and dynamics
1. Globalization: definitions, sheds and temporalities.
2.. Economic-financial dynamics of globalization
3.Globalisation, standardisation and identity
Module 2. The challenges of globalisation. A new World order.
1. Actors
2. Themes and issues
3. Prospective scenarios
Module 3. Power of States in a Global World
1. . «Hard Power e Soft Power»
2. An attempt at interpretation and ranking
3. Creating an analysis model
4. Case studies


Programs where the course is taught: