Information Technology in Cities Seminar I


This course aims at placing smart cities in a integrated perpspective of the different application areas.
The follwoing objectives should be attained:
- Understand the technological, informational and institutional principles of smart cities
- Understand and recognize the several application areas related to smart cities
- Evaluate and strenghten knowledge and methodological competencies in irder to design and manage actions in the context of smart cities
- Develop critical skils in the evaluation of cases developed by others 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Miguel de Castro Simões Ferreira Neto


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




Bibliografia distribui?da ao longo do semestre em linha com o conteu?do dos to?picos cobertos / Bibliography distributed throughout the semester in line with the content of the topics covered 

Teaching method

Seminar with case study discussion.

Evaluation method

Participation in class 20%
Essay 80%

Subject matter

The curricular unit is compososed of presentations and discussions on smart city related topics, presented by the insdustry and users.