Cartographic Sciences


1. Understand the fundamental concepts and techniques of geodesy (Earth geometric models, geodetic reference systems and vertical/horizontal coordinates);

2. To know the fundamental techniques used in topography (determining angles and distances, levelling operations, positioning), photogrammetry; Global Position Systems; Laser Scanning;

3. Understand the fundamental theoretical concepts of cartography (map conceptualization and map projections);

4. To know the types of maps

5. To know the Portuguese reference systems and coordinate transformation;

6. To know the fundamental concepts associated to geographical information quality and standards.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luísa Maria da Silva Gonçalves


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


Not aplicable


Gaspar, Joaquim (2005) ¿ Cartas e Projecções Cartográficas, 3ª ed. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lisboa ; Gonçalves, José (2012) ¿ Topografia ¿ Conceitos e Aplicações, 3ª Edição. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lisboa; Casaca, João et. al. (2005) ¿ Topografia Geral, 4ª ed. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lisboa ; Robinson, A., Morrisson, J., Muehrcke, P., Kimerling, A. E Guptill, S. (1995) ¿ Elements of Cartography, sixth edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York; Class notes available on the internet course homepage

Teaching method

The curricular unit is based on theoretical and pratical synchronous sessions (e-learning). The theoretical and pratical sessions include presentation of concepts and resolution of exercises. 

Evaluation method

Evaluation: Progression Tests (10%); Final Exam (30%); Final project (60%)

Subject matter

The curricular unit is organized in four Learning Modules:

Module 1 - Elements of geodesy

     Introduction; Earth models; Coordinates systems; Geodetic and altimetry references 


Module 2 - Elements of topography and Photogrammetry

     Introduction; Topographic methods; Photogrammetry; Other Techniques


Module 3 - Elements of Cartography

     Introduction; Knowing maps; Understanding maps; Map projections 


Module 4 - Sources, transformations and data quality

     Referencing systems; Coordinates transformation; Quality of geographic information