The Economics of Agriculture and the Environment


Teach the students the economic analysis of agriculture and its relationships with the environment

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando Júlio Viana de Brito Soares


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




Recommended readings - books and articles

CAVAILHÈS, J. et al. (1994) - Change in the French Countryside: Some Analytical Propositions, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 21 (3/4) 429-449

IRWIN, Elena G. et al. (2010) - A Century of Research on Rural Development and Regional Issues, American Journal of Agricultural economics, Vol. 92 (2) 522-533

HILL, B.and INGERSENT,K. (1977) - An Economic Analysis of Agriculture, Heinemann Educational Books, London, (ch. 6), (R)

HILL, B. and RAY, D. (1989) - Economics of Agriculture, Macmillan, London (ch. 13)

RITSON, C. and HARVEY, D. (1997) - The Common Agricultural Policy, Cab International, Oxfordshire (ch. 1, 3 and 16)

SOARES, F. B. (2005) - An Alternative Scheme to Compute the Common Agricultural Policy Direct Payments to Farmers, Working Paper # 9/2005, International Centre for Economic Research, Turin (R)

EUROPEAN UNION - Regulation, 1305/2013, December, 17 (N) EUROPEAN UNION - Regulation 1306/2013, December, 17 (N) EUROPEAN UNION - Regulation 1307/2013, December, 17 (N) EUROPEAN UNION - Regulation 1308/2013, December,17 (N) EUROPEAN UNION - Regulation 1311/2013, December, 2 (N)
COOPER, Joseph (ed) (2005) - Global    Agricultural Policy Reform and Trade
Environmental Gains and Losses, Edward    Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (ch. 2)

SOARES, F. B. and Ronco R. (2005) - The    Common Agricultural Policy and The Green House Gas Emissions, Working Paper # 17/2005, International Centre for Economic Research, Turin (R)

DINAR, A. and MENDELSOHN, R. (ed) (2011) – Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture,
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (ch.11 and 12)

SCHNEIDER, Uwe A. and McCARL, Bruce A. (2006) - Appraising Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Potentials: effects of alternative assumptions, Agricultural Economics Vol 35(3), November, 277-287

NOTE : References marked (R) are available in the Readings, and those marked (N) are available in the Net

Teaching method

Lecturing and discussion of the issues covered

Evaluation method

Mandatory final written exam

Final written exam 70%; the remainder 30% will be agreed upon with the students, depending on the enrolment

Subject matter

I. Introduction
II. Agriculture and the Economy
III. Agricultural Policy
IV. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union
V. The CAP for 2014 2020
VI. Agriculture and the Environment


Programs where the course is taught: