Strategic Marketing


This course aims to introduce the key marketing and competitive strategy concepts to students coming from diverse backgrounds. The course will follow the logic depicted in the schematic below: Marketing is the process via which a firm creates value for its chosen customers by meeting their needs. Having created value, the firm is then entitled to capture a portion of it via pricing. To sustain this value creation, the firm needs a Marketing Strategy. This Strategy involves:
(i) selecting a target market and determining the desired positioning of the product in target customer´s minds;
(ii) specifying the plan for the Marketing activities to achieve the desired positioning. All this process starts by the analysis of the 5 C s: Customers, Company, Competitors, Collaborators and Context;

There is however, no good strategy without adequate implementation. So, the course is divided in two blocks: Background and Implementation.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Jorge Velosa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





The material for the course is available in the syllabus in two levels: Recommended readings and additional readings (for those students who would like extra input).

We will not follow a specific textbook although most used references are (as specified in the detailed syllabus)

- Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller (2016). Marketing Management, Global Ed. (15th ed.). Essex , England: Pearson Education.

- Alice M. Tybout and Bobby J. Calder, editors (2010), Kellogg on Marketing, 2nd ed. New York , John Wiley & Sons

- Michael Porter (2008), On Competition, updated and expanded edition, Harvard Business Review Book, Boston

- Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Mairead Brady , Malcolm Goodman ,Torben Hansen (2016), Marketing Management 3rd European edition, Pearson Education Limited, England

Please check detailed syllabus , available at the start of classes

Teaching method

The course will be a mix of theory, cases and discussions. A hands-on approach to the subject will be used with many examples and material from the field.

A high student involvement is expected in class discussions and case recommendations and should be accompanied by thorough preparation of cases and readings that are available via the syllabus and class materials that can be accessed on line (on moodle). For the cases, the discussion questions will also be available.

The web based material includes the class presentations together with the recommended and additional readings: the course allows for those who wish to explore the topic further to do so via extra material and advice and we encourage you to do that.

During the course you are required to deliver several individual assignments or write ups. These will be referenced in the detailed syllabus.

Evaluation method

  • 30% Marketing coursework (group) includes a peer evaluation component (20% of grade)
  • 30% Final Exam
  • 20% Assignments/write ups (individual) reports on several topics
  • 20% Class participation (individual) we will select students to discuss cases during several sessions.
  • Subject matter

    Part I - Background: Concepts, Customers, Strategy & Execution

    1. Marketing Concepts: Marketing (4P´s, 5C´s) Positioning (Company skills).From Segmentation to Positioning.

    We establish the basic Marketing background and discuss Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning for a brand.

    2. Clients and Customer Value: Connecting with Consumers and Customers.

    We discuss Buying and Customer behaviour as an input to Marketing decisions, seeking an understanding of basic B2C client behaviour and insights.

    3. Marketing Planning & Execution - Industry analysis and Competitive Strategy

    We set the stage to create, defend and execute a consistent marketing Plan. We develop tools to analyse the industry and discuss the forces that shape industry profitability and shape strategy formulation.
    Part II - Implementation

    4. Product Management: designing the offer

    We discuss the elements of a product strategy and explain the NPD process.

    5. Communication: Advertising & Promotion

    We discuss the creation and implementation of Advertising and Promotional campaigns .We address Digital Marketing and use extensively available ads and campaigns to build on the concepts.

    6. Pricing: Valuing the offer

    We set a framework for pricing decisions and explain the management and strategic role of pricing.

    7. Distribution (Place, Collaborators): Customer Service and distribution channels

    We discuss how to create a "route to market" based on a comprehensive framework. We address the management of a marketing channel including its design and refinement and explain the major types of channel institutions, with up to date examples from multiple markets.