Leadership and Change Management
'When organizations are overmanaged but underled they eventually lose any sense of spirit and purpose' - Bolman and Deal, 1997, Reframing Organizations.
This course will focus on the relationship between organizations and change. Leadership emerges as a driver of change because the work of a leader is to constantly look forward and provide the necessary changes for the organization. The leader’s role as a change agent will be a focus of the course. In addition, various models of change will be introduced and explored. Understanding various methods of bringing about change will be discussed during classes.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Filipa Castanheira
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
Handbooks: (You may pick selected chapters from one of the following handbooks)
Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership. Theory and Practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in Organizations (Global Edition, 8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Person Education.
Specific readings (papers and case studies) are listed in the course outline.
Teaching method
A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used in this course. Every session will have lectures, educational videos, paper and case study discussions by students.
Evaluation method
(A) 'What to ask the person in the mirror ?' 1. Individual report: 20%
Good leaders are competent in leading themselves. This report will consist in a self-analysis exercise: Who do you want to be as a leader ? What have you done so far ? How do you learn ? What’s your major competence ? What do you have to change about yourself ?
For inspiration you can read Kaplan’s HBR paper 'What to ask the person in the mirror' (January 2007, and Boaz and Fox’s McKinsey Quarterly paper 'Change Leader, Change thyself' (March, 2014). Imagine your leadership journey and prepare a two-page report. Please note: this is not a confession: it is a reflexive moment. Good leadership is also about self-reflection. Use it as a time to think about the journey you are about to begin.
This report is due on 20/02 (Please deliver the report via moodle and also leave the printed report either on Filipa Castanheira’s mail box nº67 until 2:30 p.m. or in class). Please don’t send the reports by email. Presentation guidelines: 2 pages, Times New Roman, 12, line spacing 1.5, Top and Bottom margins: 2.5 cm; Left and Right margins: 3 cm.
Grading criteria for individual report:
Strengths - 15%
Weaknesses/fears - 15%
Reflexivity/Interpretation - 20%
Goals/Profile - 20%
Plan - 15%
Realism/Objectivity - 10%
Organization of ideas - 5%
Presentation Guidelines - -5%
TOTAL: 100%
(B) 'Bad leadership' 1. Group presentation: 35%
Identify a leadership process that, for some reason and according to some criteria, has failed (from the arts, business, politics, religion, history, sports). What can we learn from the case about management ?
Submit the choice to the instructor’s approval.
Your group (4-5 students) will present the case to the class. Describe why that person was initially a good leader and then explain why the process has failed? What can we learn from it?
Presentation followed by discussion should take up to 25 minutes. Groups should be prepared to stimulate class discussion. Every member of the group has to take part and participate in the presentation/discussion.
A copy of presentation materials (including powerpoint slides) is due at the BEGINNING of the session in which it is presented. Students may share the presentation with other colleagues (link in the moodle page to upload the pdf file).
Evaluation will be performed with a 180º feedback process. The final grade for the group’s assignment is calculate by: 50% Professor’s evaluation + 50% students’ average evaluation.
Students’ evaluation of group presentation: 180º feedback report (uploaded on moodle)
Evaluation is individual (each student is going to evaluate the other groups’ presentations). Please download the file and print it in advance. Evaluations should be handed at the end of each session.
Grading criteria for group's presentation:
Diagnosis/Problem - 25%
Interpretation - 50%
Oral communication - 15%
Discussion - 10%
TOTAL: - 100%
C) Final exam: 45%
A mandatory final exam will take place on … (date and room to be announced).
Subject matter
1st. Leadership and Management:
Leadership and Management: Complementary roles Leader, followers, and leadership;
Definition of Leadership: A review;
A critical review of the trait approach to leadership Change in Organizations;
Recommended Reading:
Judge, T.A., Bono, J.E., Ilies, R., & Gerhardt, M.W. (2006). Personality and leadership: A qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 765-780.
Judge, T.A., Piccolo, R.F., & Kosalka, T. (2009). The bright and dark sides of leader traits: A review and theoretical extension of the leader trait paradigm. The Leadership Quarterly, 20, 855-875.
Kotter, J. (1995). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 73, 59-67.
Tsoukas, H. & Chia, R. (2002). On Organizational Becoming: Rethinking Organizational Change. Organization Science, 13(5), 567-582.
Yukl, G. (2013). Introduction and Overview. In Leadership in Organizations (Global Edition, 8th ed., 17-38). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Person Education.
Weick, K.E., & Quinn, R.E. (1999). Organizational change and development. Annual Review of Psychology, 50, 361-386.
Complementary Reading:
Claxton, G., Owen, D., & Sadler-Smith, E. (2015). Hubris in Leadership: A peril of unbridled intuition? Leadership, 11(1), 57-78.
Langley, A., Smallman,C., Tsoukas, H., & Van de Ven, A.H. (2013). Process studies of change in organization and management: Unveiling temporality, activity, and flow. Academy of Management Journal, 56(1), 1-13.
Reina, C.S., Zhang, Z., & Peterson, S.J. (2014). CEO grandiose narcissism and firm performance: The role of organizational identification. The Leadership Quarterly, 25, 958-971.
Sadler-Smith, E., Akstinaite, V., Robinson, G., & Wray, T. (2017). Hubristic Leadership: A Review. Leadership, 13(5), 525-548.
Stouten, J., van Dijke, M., Mayer, D.M., De Cremer, D., & Euwema, M.C. (2013). Can a leader be seen as too ethical? The curvilinear effects of ethical leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 24, 680-695.
2nd. Leadership: Adapting your style to the situation and power differential:
A critical review of the behavioral and the situational approaches to leadership;
The contingency leadership model;
Transactional and Transformational Leadership;
Power, Influence, Authority, and Leadership;
Conformity to group norms and obedience to authority: Consequences for leadership.
Recommended Reading:
Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., & Johnson, D.E. (2000). Management and Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources (8th Ed.) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Yukl, G. (2013). Power and Influence in Leadership. In Leadership in Organizations (Global Edition, 8th ed., 188-220). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Person Education.
Complementary Reading:
Green, R.D. (1999). Leadership as a function of power. Proposal Management, 54- 56.
Abelson, R.P., Frey, K.P., & Gregg, A.P. (2012a).Just following orders: A schoking demonstration of obedience to authority. In Experiments with People: Revelations from Social Psychology (245-258). New York: Psychology Press.
Abelson, R.P., Frey, K.P., & Gregg, A.P. (2012b). Going along to get along: Conformity to group norms. In Experiments with People: Revelations from Social Psychology (199-211). New York: Psychology Press.
3rd. Leadership and followers:
The incomplete leader and the Followership Theory;
Toxic Leaders: Consequences for followership;
Recommended Reading:
Kaplan, R. (2007). What to ask the person in the mirror. Harvard Business Review, 85, 86-96.
Kets de Vries, M. (2014). Coaching the Toxic Leader. Harvard Business Review, 92, 100-109.
Stewart, G.L., Courtright, S.H., & Manz, C.C. (2011). Self-leadership: A multilevel review. Journal of Management, 37(1), 185-222.
Ulh-Bien, M., Riggio, R.E., Lowe, K.B., & Carsten, M.K. (2014). Followership theory: A Review and research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly, 25, 83-104.
Complementary Reading:
Ancona, D. et al., (2007). In praise of the incomplete leader. Harvard Business Review, 85, 92-100.
Barsh , J., & Lavoie, J. (2014). Lead at your best. McKinsey Quarterly, April, Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/leadership/lead-at-your-best
Boaz, N., & Fox, E.A. (2014). Change Leader, change thyself. McKinsey Quarterly, March. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/leadership/change-leader-change-thyself
Cunha, M.P., Pacheco, M., Castanheira, F., & Rego, A. (2017). Reflexive work and the duality of self-leadership. Leadership, 13(4), 472-495.
Cunha, MP, Rego, A, Clegg, S., & Neves, P. (2013). The case for transcendent followership. Leadership, 9(1), 87-106.
4th. Change as it relates to people: Insights for Leadership:
Debate about changes in the world and the impact in people and decision making. Examples of topics to be debated: Emerging markets; the 4th industrial revolution; 3- D printers; Blockchain; Aging populations; Gender diversity.
Complementary Reading:
Blackburn, S., Gärtner, D., Freeland, M., Kelley, A., Pickover, S., Thomassian, S., & Ubaldi, N. (2017). Digital-Australia: Seizing the opportunity from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. McKinsey Global Institute, March. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/asia-pacific/digital-australia-seizing-opportunity-from-the-fourth-industrial-revolution
Bughin, J., Hazan, E., Labaye, E., Manyika, J., Dahlström, P., Ramaswamy, S., & Billy, C. (2016). Digital Europe: Pushing the frontier, capturing the benefits. McKinsey Global Institute, June. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business%20Functions/McKinsey%20Digital/Our%20Insights/Digital%20Europe%20Pushing%20the%20frontier%20capturing%20the%20benefits/Digital-Europe-Full-report-June-2016.ashx
Bughin, J., Staun, J., Andersen, J.R., Schultz-Nielsen, M., Aagaard, P., & Engaard, T. (2017). Shaping the future in Europe’s 9 digital front-runner countries. McKinsey Report, October. Retireved from https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Global%20Themes/Europe/Shaping%20the%20future%20of%20work%20in%20Europes%20nine%20digital%20front%20runner%20countries/Shaping-the-future-of-work-in-Europes-digital-front-runners.ashx
Cohen, D., Sargeant, M., & Somers, K. (2014). 3-D printing takes shape. McKinsey Quarterly, January. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/operations/our-insights/3-d-printing-takes-shape
Devillard, S., Sancier, S., Werner, C., Maller, I., & Kossof, C. (2003). Women matter. Gender diversity on top management: Moving corporate culture, moving boundaries. McKinsey Report, November.
Dobbs, R., Ramaswamy, S., Stephenson, E., & Viguerie, S.P. (2014). Management Intuition for the next 50 years. McKinsey Quarterly¸ September. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/management-intuition-for-the-next-50-years
Tapscott, D. & Tapscott, A. (2017). How blockchain will change organizations. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(2), 9-13.
Women in the workplace (2015). McKinsey Report, September. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/women-in-the-workplace
5th. and 6th. Group presentations:
Bad leadership - case studies.
Programs where the course is taught: