Geoeconomics and International Relations


This course is intended to provide future managers and decision-makers, expecting to work in a globalized world, with an understanding of the current economic reality and future prospects of doing business in different geographies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Portas


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


ACEMOGLU, Daron, ROBINSON, James A., Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty. 2013.
ALEXANDRE, Dr. Laurent, La guerre des intelligences. Intelligence artificielle versus intelligence humaine. 2017.
ALLISON, Graham, Vers la Guerre, L’Amerique et la Chine dans le Piège de Thucydide? 2019. BAVEREZ, David, Paris-Pékin Express: La nouvelle Chine racontée au futur Président. 2017. BREGMAN, Rutger, Utopia for realists. 2016.
CARMODY, Pádraig, The Rise of the Brics in Africa, The geopolitics of south-south relations. 2013. DIAMANTINI, Ilvo and Marc Lazar, Peuplecratie, La métamorphose de nos démocraties. 2019.
FRANKOPAN, Peter, The Silk Roads, A New History of the World. 2017. FRANKOPAN, Peter, The New Silk Road, The Present and Future of the World. 2019.
FRIEND, John M. and Bradley A. Thayer, How China Sees the World, Han-centrism and the balance of power in international politics. 2018.
FRIEDMAN, George, Flashpoints: The Emerging Crisis in Europe. 2016. GOMART, Thomas, L’affolement du Monde, 10 enjeux géopolitiques. 2019.
GREGORIN, Jean-Louis and Léo Isaac-Dognin, Cyber, La guerre permanente. 2018.
HOLSLAG, Jonathan, The Silk Road Trap, How Chin’s trade ambitions challenge Europe. 2019. KAPLAN, Robert D., El retorno del Mundo de Marco Polo. 2019.
KISSINGER, Henry, On China. 2012.
KRASTEV, Ivan, Le Destin de L’Europe, Une sensation de déjà vu. 2017.
LILLO, Pedro A. Martínez, ESTEFANÍA, Joaquín, América Latina: Un Nuevo Contrato Social. 2016. MARSHALL, Tim, Divided. 2018.
MICHAILOF, Serge, Africanistan: L’Afrique en crise va-t-elle se retrouver dans nos banlieues?. 2015. MILLS, Greg, OBASANJO, Olusegun, Making Africa Work: A Handbook. 2017.
MONTANER, Carlos A., Las Raíces Torcidas de América Latina. 2018. NORBERG, Johan, Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future. 2016.
PINKER, Steven, Enlightenment Now: the case for reason, science, humanism and progress. 2018. PITRON, Guillaume, La Guerre des Métaux Rares, La face cachée de la transition énergique et numérique. 2018
OUALALOU, Fathallah, La Chine et nous, Répondre au second dépassement. 2018. RODRIK, Dani, Straight Talk on Trade, Ideas for a sane world economy. 2017.
SCHWAB, Klaus, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. 2017. TOOZE, Adam, Crashed. 2018.
ZITELMANN, Rianer, The Power of Capitalism, A journey through recent history across five continents. 2019.

Teaching method

Classes will be based on strategic analysis of a globalized world, focusing in case-studies and best practices drawn from professional experience, with constant interaction with students. Attendance is mandatory. Active and thoughtful participation is encouraged. Students are advised to refer to the selected bibliography to be able to participate and complement class discussions.

Evaluation method

To pass the course, a student must obtain a minimum of 8 points (out of 20) in each of the three main components and a weighted average higher than 9.5 points. Further instructions will be distributed in the beginning of the course on the individual flash essay and the group case-study. One Individual Final Exam (50%): A short final exam, lasting for 90 min, covers all topics in the course. It may include different types of questions (short answer questions and short essay). It assumes that class handouts have been thoroughly scrutinized.
One Individual Assignment (25%): Students must deliver one essay on a concrete and operational casestudy.
The essay will be judged by its originality and innovation, organization, clarity of writing, effort to achieve synthesis, while going deeper than stating facts on the analysis and recommendations. The final document is limited to 2 single-spaced pages, normal margins, Calibri or Times New Roman font types, size 12 pp.
One Group Assignment (25%): Students should form groups of 3 to 4 and prepare a case-study, referring to the topics approached during the six sessions of the course. The group, topic and a short outline must be submitted in the first weeks of the course on Moodle (date to be confirmed). The group work will be judged by its originality and innovation, the use of tools developed in the course and other resources and, above all, the quality of the analysis and reasoning. The final document is limited to 5 single-spaced pages, normal margins, Calibri or Times New Roman font types, size 12 pp.

Subject matter

The course will provide an intensive update of how digitalization and globalization have profoundly changed the international balance of powers and how the new concept of geo-economics has transformed modern geopolitics. It will address different challenges faced by economic agents, focusing on the role of the private sector and business managers, when exporting or internationalizing to different geographies, including useful and updated data and information on Asia, Latin America, Africa, USA and Europe.


Programs where the course is taught: