Performance and Progress
This course aims to introduce the concepts underlining the balance of Performance and Progress in the corporate world. It is expected to be a reflective journey of their roles as leaders/professionals in a changing society.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Miguel Alves Martins
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
Portes, M. and Kramer, M. (2011), “Creating Shared Value”, HBS
Rangan, S. (2015), “Performance & Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society”, Oxford Rangan, S. (2018), “Capitalism Beyond Mutuality: Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social
Science”, Oxford
Teaching method
The classes consist of discussions about both the theory and its applications. Classroom participation is expected and required. Through a teaching approach that mixes case studies, short videos, class discussions and presentations, you will learn the topics referred above.
Evaluation method
Team Work and Pitch (50%): The Team Work will consist in identifying a company that is both performing and generating progress to society and producing a case study. The case study will have a maximum of 15 pages and a brief pitch (5 m) which will be presented in the last session. The written work will count for ¾ of your mark and the others ¼ will be evaluated by the judges of the pitch session.
Individual Briefing Paper (20%): Briefing Paper with a maximum of 5 pages (not counting with title page, table of contents, annexes, references, etc.). The Briefing Paper will be related to your experience during the course and the integration of concepts such as Performance and Progress. A good Briefing Paper should include:
- A clear description of you take away from the course;
- A critical analysis of the learned process;
- Conclusions and recommendations, which may include your opinion, supported by evidence. Individual Final Exam (30%): The final exam covers all topics covered in the course.
Assessment Dates:
- The Team Work must be submitted on Moodle until t.b.d.
- The Individual Briefing Paper must be submitted on Moodle until t.b.d.
- The Individual Final Exam will take place on t.b.d.
Adjustments of 0.5 points in the final grade (in either direction) can be made, based on other information available such as participation in class and contribution to the coursework. The general rules of the University apply in case of academic dishonesty and in any situation not foreseen in the above.
Subject matter
• What is a convergent economy and why do we need it?
• Why Performance AND Progress (P&P)?
• Shared Value, Value Creation and Value Capture
• What are the implications for management? (Strategy /Governance/Operations)
• What are the principles behind P&P?
• What are the tension points towards a convergent economy?
• How to assess progress?
• Presentation of each group findings
Programs where the course is taught: