Topics of Contemporary Portuguese Culture


a)To develop historical and cultural knowledge about Portuguese speaking countries today.
b) To identify different critical paradigms as well as their changes and mutations.
c) To improve reading and research individual practices.
d) To participate in class discussions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Maria Martinho


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


A fornecer para cada módulo, com materiais organizados para o efeito . Apresentamos abaixo apenas algumas leituras que consideramos básicas. Tailored to each weeK´s discussions. Leituras principais/ General readings:

ALMADA, José Luís Hopffer,  (coord.), O Ano Mágico de 2006: olhares retrospectivos sobre a história e a cultura caboverdianas, Praia, Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro, Praia, 2008.

BASTOS, Cristina Bastos, ALMEIDA, Miguel Vale, FELDMAN-BIANCO, B. (coord.), Trânsitos coloniais: diálogos críticos luso-brasileiros, Lisboa, Imprensa de ciências Sociais, 2002.

MARTINHO, A. África: investigações multidisciplinares, Évora, NUM, 1999.

MARTINS, Guilherme de Oliveira, Património, Herança e Memória. A cultura como Criação, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2009.

VENÂNCIO, José Carlos, Colonialismo, Antropologia e Lusofonias: repensando a presença
portuguesa nos tópicos, Lisboa, Veja [D. L. 1996].

Teaching method

All sessions are theoretical and practical.
The instructor presents working materials and discussion topics, previously prepared by the students. A discussion with the students will follow.

Evaluation method

Evaluation to be monitored on a weekly basis.
Items to consider in the final grading:
Test - 35%
Paper - 35%
Participation in class discussions - 15%
Participation in class - 15%

Subject matter

1. General perspective about the Media in Portuguese speaking countries.
2. Democracies and transitional regimes. Their relationship with the Media.
3. Culture, elections and violence.
4. Ethnical policies and social conflict.
5. Environment and cyber-resistance.
6. Development and globalization.
7. Endangered cultures and resistance.
8. Religion and the Media.
9. Life in the cities and the blogosphere. New Media.


Programs where the course is taught: