Portuguese for Business


The main objective of the CU is to develop communicative and linguistic skills in Portuguese that enable students to operate in the world of business.
By the end of the UC, students are expected to:
- Use Portuguese as language of business;
- Recognize aspects of business cortesy and interaction, work schedules and routines;
- Participate in business meetings;
- Write reports;
- Write and corresponding for commercial purposes;
- Recognize specific terminology and vocabulary.  

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Alexandra Moreira de Jesus Fiéis e Melo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Arruda, L. (2012) Gramática de português língua não materna. Porto: Porto Editora.

Dias, A. Cristina & R. Borges de Sousa (2015) Estratégias. Lisboa: Lidel.

Freitas, F. & T.S. Henriques (2011) Qual é a dúvida? (Níveis B1, B2 e C1). Lisboa: Lidel.

Malcata, H. & R. Borges de Sousa (2009) Português jurídico para alunos de PLE. Lisboa: Lidel.

Neves, M. (2016) Português empresarial 1. Lisboa: Lidel.

Neves, M. (2017) Português empresarial 2. Lisboa: Lidel.

Pereira, C. & D. Santos (2009) Le portugais économique et commercial. Paris: Pocket.

Porto Editora (2011) Dicionário ilustrado de português língua não materna – Iniciação, intermédio e avançado. Porto: Porto Editora.

Santos, S. (2015) Falar pelos cotovelos. Lisboa: Lidel.

Teaching method

The CU will have a strong practical component. It seeks at promoting communicative methods in portuguese language learning/teaching, with the purpose of stimulating interaction and promote increasingly autonomous learning.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment: participation in classes (spoken interaction, attendance) - 10%; two written assignments (one of which done in class) - 60% (30% each); two spoken and listening assignments - 30%.

Subject matter

1. Corporate culture;
2. Monetary system;
3. Tax system;
4. Personal finance;
5. Corporate finance;
6. Purchase and sale of goods and services;
7. Business correspondence;
8. Business star-ups;
9. Business meetings.


Programs where the course is taught: