Research Methodology
At the end of the module, doctoral students should know: (i) to identify the diversity and specificity of research questions in the multidisciplinary field of public health; (ii) to integrate scientific knowledge and different technical and human skills needed in order to ensure and reinforce their autonomy in the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of empirical research projects in the field of public health; (iii) to identify, describe and implement the key steps of the research process; (iv) to prepare (and critically appraise) a research protocol; (iv) to use critically the main techniques for collecting and analysing data, both quantitative and qualitative; (vi) to predict the validity and accuracy of data when interpreting the results; and, finally (vii) to write and publish scientific reports and articles.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sónia Dias
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 34
Teaching language
Frequency of the Doctoral Program in Public Health
Rothman, K. (2012). Epidemiology: An Introduction. Oxford University Press (2 edition).
Beaglehole R., Bonita R., Kjellstrom T.(2006). Basic epidemiology. Geneva. World Health Organization (
Creswell JW. Research Design: Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches (4th Edition). Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks, London. 2013
Dias S, Gama A. Introdução à Investigação Qualitativa em Saúde Pública. Lisboa: Almedina; 2019.
Bowling, A. Research methods in health- Investigating health and health services. 2nd Edition, Opening University Press. 2002.
Teaching method
Utilization of different methods of teaching-learning: theoretical-practical sessions, with exposition of theoretical concepts and exercises with working groups and individual work.
Evaluation method
The assessment consists on a critical review of a qualitative research article (45%); writing of a scientific paper (45%) and consideration of student’s attendance and active participation in (10%).
Subject matter
(i) Theoretical, conceptual and ethical foundations of the different research paradigms raised by the scientific research in the public health domain;
(ii) Design of a research project: from the formulation of the starting question and objectives definition to the planning of the field work and data analysis plan;
(iii) Major research strategies, methods and techniques for collecting and analysing data, both quantitative and qualitative;
(iv) Writing, presentation and communication of results in scientific research;
(v) Review of scientific articles, protocols, working papers and reports of empirical research.
Programs where the course is taught: