Health and Lifestyles
Understand the evolution of health paradigms with their context within the concept of "quality of life", taking into account theoretical and empirical improvements concerning healthy life styles
Characterize attitudes and behaviors that promote healthy life styles (HLS)
Help improve levels of HLS
Clarify and sustain scientific references and technical capabilities to analyze, evaluate and use concepts of HLS while implementing methodologies to address them
With a research-action-validation-dissemination strategy of best practices, strength an agenda of knowledge translation about the know-how of HLS
Develop skills of understanding the context and cultural sensitivity to the needs of different groups of people within the HLS approach
Develop strategies to empower citizens to carry out healthy choices
Apply innovative methods to promote healthy lifestyles
Promote cooperative learning & change life activities
HLS modeling, impact assessment and social influence/change to triggering HLS sustainability
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 42
Teaching language
Available soon
ANTONOVSKY, A. 1987 - Unraveling the mystery of health : how people manage stress and stay well. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1987
BANDURA A., 1986 - Social foundations of thought and action. A social cognitive theory. Prentice Hall. Engleood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1986
GREEN, L. 1991 ; KREUTER, M. - Health promotion planning : an educational and environmental approach. Mountain View, CA : Mayfield Publishing Co., 1991
LOUREIRO, I. MIRANDA, N. Promover a Saúde - Dos Fundamentos à Acção. Almedina, 2010
WATERS, W. et al, 1989 - Health, lifestyles and services for the elderly, Copenhagen : World Health Organi¬zation, 1989
Teaching method
The teaching methodology is varied and seeks to promote an active and participatory learning environment. Reading of fundamental texts is required and discussion of topics or exercises occurs regularly.
About half of the sessions will begin with a presentation by a teacher, followed by a discussion of topics related to the subject under examination where students are encouraged to intervene.
The other sessions will be more practical with problem solving tasks, presentation of results and discussion of implications for healthy life styles. The seminars consist of group work with the presence of a teacher, which develops in-depth discussion of the topics in the syllabus.
Assessment of commitment, work and participation (20%), made through observation of student participation and the presentation and discussion of topics and exercises in sessions and 40% in group activities.
Individual evaluation (40%) is targeted with questions dealing with the topics taught.
Evaluation method
Assessment of commitment, work and participation (20%), made through observation of student participation and the presentation and discussion of topics and exercises in sessions and 40% in group activities.
Individual evaluation (40%) is targeted with questions dealing with the topics taught.
Subject matter
"Lifestyle and health” (HLS) concept evolution: from pathogenesis to salutogenesis
Explanatory models for the origin and maintenance of health (eg socio-ecological model) and integration of comprehensive approaches for HLS (eg "renasceres®"); resilience and health determinants
Lifestyles theory (e.g. Belloc and Breslow) health literacy, social learning and self-health management
Environments sustainability, causal and contributory factors: behavior change and social marketing (e.g. exercise and physical activity)
Nutrition, survival and hedonism: nutritional reference. The holism issue, Sobel and WHO and HLS
Causal (e.g. water profile and hydration) and contributory factors and health determinants (e.g. sun and vitamin D)
Confidence, Equilibrium/Balance and Rest: social stress expertise and resistance resources in HLS promotion
Social geography and epidemiological distribution of lifestyles trends. Healthy lifestyles in the midst of a crisis; promotion of individual and community empowerment
Susceptibility, the Sense of Coherence and General Resources of Resistance in promoting HLS
Environment, community health and HLS
Programs where the course is taught: