“Ómicas” e Nutrição


a)       To be able to evaluate on a population and case by case level the potential contribution, in light of available knowledge, of gene-diet interactions in the development of certain diseases – insights on epigenetics;

b)       To be able to analyze the benefit / risk balance of dietary recommendations and interventions according to the genotype, microbiota and metabolome;

c)       Justify the importance of taking care of diet in the perinatal period for health in adulthood;

d)       Apply the foundations of nutrigenomics and personalized nutrition in health promotion.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Professora Doutora Maria da Conceição Costa Pinto Calhau


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Actual scientific publications. Presentations made available to the students will include the bibliography used in their preparation.

Teaching method

PBL (problem-based learning)/research projet. Evaluation of the students will be based on level of participation in the discussions (10%), presentation of papers (10%) & Individual written essay with 2/3 thousand words (80%).

Evaluation method

Evaluation criteria:

• participation in the discussions (10%);

• presentation of articles (10%);

• Individual written essay with 2/3 thousand words (80%).

Subject matter

1.     Introduction: Concept of nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and human nutrition.

2.     Diet and gene expression: Short-term gene expression regulation; Diet and epigenetics.

3.     Perinatal programming: Diet in early life and metabolic programming.

4.     Gene polymorphisms and responses to diet: Diet as a risk or preventive factor of pathologies; Nutrigenetics of cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

5.     Microbiota and Microbial Metabolites: Interaction between genomics, microbio ta and metabolomics.

6.     Workshop case studies: Case studies in personalized nutrition.


Programs where the course is taught: