Sign Language
The general objectives of this Course are related to public awareness of future physicians for the various aspects involving Deafness and that develop beyond the neurobiology of the brain deaf. Be discussed in the course aspects such as the culture of this minority population (round about 5% of its population) and its official language in Portugal, the Portuguese Sign Language (LGP). Regarding LGP, it is intended that students master the basic vocabulary with regard to everyday communication and especially the vocabulary and hospital related to pain and suffering.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Ana Mineiro
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Basic Bibliography
(2011) Mariana Martins, José Pedro Ferreira & Ana Mineiro, Os Dicionários e os Avatares Gestuais O que são, como se fazem e para que servem- Universidade Católica Editora, Colecção PRO_LGP: Lisboa (ISBN: 978-972-54-0350-1).
(2010) Ana Mineiro & Dora Colaço Introdução à Fonética e à Fonologia nas línguas gestuais e nas línguas orais, Universidade Católica Editora, Colecção PRO_LGP: Lisboa (ISBN: 978-972-54-0264-1).
(2014) Ana Mineiro, Maria Vânia Nunes, Sónia Silva, Mara Moita e Alexandre Castro Caldas Bilingualism in deaf people: a neurolinguistic approach In (Eds.) Gladys Tang, Harry Knoors & Marc Marschark, Studies on Bilingualism, Oxford University Press.
(2014) Antonio Benitez Burraco, Ana Mineiro & Alexandre Castro Caldas. The emergence of modern communication in primates: a computational approach. In (Eds.) Olga Pombo & Nathalie Gonthier, The Evolution of Social Communication in Primates: a multidisciplinary approach, Series Interdisciplinary Evolution Research, Springer.
(2011) Moita, Mara; Carmo, Patrícia; Carmo, Helena; Ferreira, José P; Mineiro, Ana Estudos preliminares para a modelização de um AVATAR para a LGP: os descritores fonológicos, In: Cadernos de Saúde, Vol. 4 (2), Lisboa: 31-41 .
(2011) Amílcar Morais, João Champallimaud Jardim, Ana Silva & Ana Mineiro Para além das mãos: elementos para o estudo da expressão facial em Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP) In: Cadernos de Saúde, Vol. 4 (1), Lisboa: 135-142.
(2009) Ana Mineiro, Liliana Duarte, Joana Pereira e Isabel Morais, Adding other pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language Lexicon Puzzle In: Cadernos de Saúde, Número Especial Línguas Gestuais, Lisboa: 83-98.
(2009) Maria Vânia Nunes, Paulo Carvalho, Ana Mineiro e Alexandre Castro Caldas, Cognitive Studies on Portuguese Sign Language: a work in progresso In: Cadernos de Saúde, Número Especial Línguas Gestuais, Lisboa: 99-104.
(2008) Ana Mineiro, Alexandre Castro-Caldas, Gabriela Leal e Inês Rodrigues Revisitando as afasias na PALPA-P In: Cadernos de Saúde - Vol 1 (2),Lisboa: 135-142.
(2007) Ana Mineiro, Liliana Paiva Duarte, Paulo Vaz de Carvalho, Carles Tebé e Margarita Correia Aspectos da Polissemia nominal em Língua Gestual Portuguesa In: Polissema, Vol 8, porto: 37-56.
(2007) Liliana Duarte & Ana Mineiro Terminologia em Língua Gestual Portuguesa: Uma necessidade para a tradução? Processos de formação de Gestos em Ciências Naturais in: Encontro Comemorativo dos 50 anos do Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL), Lisboa,
(under revision) Maria Vânia Nunes, Nadia Canário, Miguel Castelo Branco, Ana Mineiro, Sara Carvalho, Gil Costa & Alexandre Castro Caldas, Visual Word Form and Deaf For: Cerebral Cortéx.
Outra Bibliografia:
Corina, D. P., Poizner, H., & Bellugi, U., Feinberg, T., Dowd, D. & OGraby-Batch, L. (1992). Dissociation between linguistic and nonlinguistic gestural systems: A case for compositionality.
Brain and Language, 43, 414447. Retrieved from %20Dissociation%20Between%20linguistic%20and%20nonlinguistic%201992.pdf
Corina, D. P., Vaid, J., & Bellugi, U. (1992). The linguistic basis of left hemisphere specialization. Science, 255(5049), 12581260. doi: 10.1126/science.1546327
Corina, D. P. (1998). Aphasia in users of signed languages. In P. Coppens, Y. Lebrun, & A. Basso (Eds.),
Aphasia in Atypical Populations (pp. 261-310). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Corina, D. P., Bellugi, U., & Reilly, K. (1999). Neuropsychological studies of linguistic and affective facial expressions in deaf signers.
Language and Speech, 2(2-3), 307-31. doi: 10.1177/00238309990420020801
Corina, D. P., San Jose, L., Ackerman, D., Guillemin, A., & Braun, A. (2000). A comparison of neural systems underlying human action and American Sign Language processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, supplement, 414-447.
Crinion, J, Turner, R., Grogan, A. Hanakawa, T., Noppeney, U., Devlin, J. T., Price, C. J. (2006). Language Control in the Bilingual Brain. Science, 312(5779), 1537-1540. doi: 10.1126/science.1127761
Emmorey, K. (2002). Language, cognition, and the brain: Insights from sign language research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.
Teaching method
Teaching methodologies will be lectures and language practical activities.
Evaluation method
Methods of assessment and evaluation criteria: Distributed throughout the semester with final assessment ("test"). Continuous evaluation and Test will sum up 100% (50% for each component). The final test will be with multiple choice with 20 questions. If the students want they can only have a final exam which will be rated in 100% Schedule of ratings (the date, time and place shall be given in the Data Sheet and UC be disclosed on-line at college, or at an appropriate place and on a date fixed by the Pedagogical Council).
Procedures for consultation proof: students may consult the evidence of continuous assessment and examination proves to be set by the faculty regent.
Classes will be given in distance (e-learning format).
Subject matter
Module 1
1. Biological and neuropsychological perspectives on Deafness
2. Deaf brain
3. Language and cognition for the Deaf
4. Language Acquisition and Deafness
5. Deafness and literacy
6. Deafness and Cochlear Implants
Module 2
1. Deafness and education
2. Brief history of Deaf education in Portugal
3. Sign Language history
4. Deaf Culture
5. Parental involvement and deafness
6. Cochlear Implant and Deaf education
Module 3
1. Major issues on Phonology and morphology in Portuguese Sign Language
2. Major issues in Portuguese Sign Language Syntaxs
Module 4
Practice in Portuguese Sign Language along the course
Programs where the course is taught: