Primary Production of Food


At the end of the course the student should:
a) Know what agriculture is and be able to describe production systems (conventional agriculture, industrial agriculture, integrated production, organic production, precision agriculture)
b) Develop an integrated view of agriculture and its multifunctionality. Know the social and economic importance of agriculture as management of natural resources.
c) Know the general operations of cultures including soil preparation, sowing and planting, fertilizing, watering, pruning, plant managing, plant protection and harvesting. Know the scientific and technical language of agronomy.
d) Describe the different types of operating systems used in the animal production chain. Assess the possible impacts of management techniques applied on the qualitative nature of the characteristics of animal products.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Pedro Oliveira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





• Aguiar, Ana; Costa, Cristina Amaro da; Godinho, Maria do Céu; Produção Integrada, SPI, 2005. ISBN: 972-8589-51-4
• Almeida, D. 2006. Manual de Culturas Hortícolas, Volume 1. Editorial Presença (ISNB 972-23-3551-0)
• Almeida, D. 2006. Manual de Culturas Hortícolas, Volume 2. Editorial Presença (ISNB 972-23-3568-5)
• Amaro, P. (2003) A protecção integrada. ISBN 972-8669-10-0, 446pp
• Avillez, F. (2015). A Agricultura Portuguesa. Ed. FFMS, 114p.
• Baptista, Fernando (2010), O espaço rural: declínio da agricultura, Lisboa, Celta (parte II. A Transição Rural), pp 93-184
• Fragata, António (2003), Da qualidade dos produtos agrícolas tradicionais: elementos para a sua elaboração social e técnica, em José Portela e João C. Caldas, Portugal Chão, Lisboa, Celta, pp. 449-462
• Funt, R. C. and Hall, H. K. (2013). Raspberries. CABI, Wallingford, UK, 288 pp. (ISBN: 9781845937911)
• Jervis, M. & Kidd, N (1996) Insect natural enemies. Practical approaches to their study and evaluation. Chapman & Hall. ISBN 0412399008. 491pp
• Lencastre, A. e F. Franco. 1984. Lições de Hidrologia. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Faculdade de ciências e Tecnologia. Monte da Caparica.
• LQARS (2006). Manual de Fertilização das Culturas. INIAP – Laboratório Químico Agrícola Rebelo da Silva (Ed.). Lisboa, ISBN 978-989-95131-0-5, 282 pp.
• Manuel Agustí e Manuel Agustí Fonfria (2010). Fruticultura Mundi-Prensa, 507 pp.
• Mourão, I.M. (ed.) 2007. Manual de Horticultura no Modo de Produção Biológico. Projeto PO AGRO DE&D -747 (ISBN 978-972-97872-2-5)
• Pereira LS; Necessidades de Água e Métodos de Rega, Publ. Europa-America, Lisboa, 2004
• Speding, R; An introduction to agricultural systems, Elsevier, Londres, 1988
• OECD, 2015. OECD Principles on Water Governance. OECD Ministerial Council Meeting. 4 June. Daegu.
• Rosário, L. 2004. Indicadores de desertificação para Portugal Continental. Direcção-Geral dos Recursos Florestais. Núcleo de Desertificação. Lisboa, 65 p.
• Buxadé, C. (1996). Zootecnia, Base da Producción Animal. Vol I a XIII. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Castelló 37, 28001 Madrid, España.
• Neimann-Sorensen, A. 1992 (Ed.). Beef Cattle Production. Elsevier, Amesterdam, NL.
• Webster, J. (1997). Understanding the dairy cow. CABI Puplishing. Wallingford. UK.
• Taylor, R. E. (2001) Scientific Farm Animal Production: An Introduction to Animal Science - Textbook Only Hardcover.

Teaching method

The course is organized in lectures -2 weekly lectures for all students (50 min); 1 class per week of 2 h, with a max of 15 students. These classes may be fieldwork which takes place at INIAV headquarters, Oeiras and may also include study visits, or in classrooms when they perform case studies. This UC will have the collaboration of teachers from the different INIAV research units.

Evaluation method

The evaluation (0-20) has a practical component, two intermediate evaluations and a final exam. The assessment of the practicals is continuous (40%), and takes into account the following criteria: i) performance and attendance of students; quality of the practical and visits reports; attitude and knowledge demonstrated by the students (10%); ii) and one case-study presentation (30%). The two intermediate evaluations is a multiple choice written exam, divided by plant production and animal production and it covers all the theoretical and practical topics taught and is equivalent to 60% of the final grade. The presence in the final examination is conditional to attendance to at least 2/3 of the practical classes, fieldwork and field visits and a practical grade of at least 9.5.

Subject matter

1) Plant Production
1.1) farming systems (objectives, principles, regulations, certification)
1.2) traditional agriculture and industrial agriculture
1.3) sustainable agricultural systems (integrated production, organic production, precision agriculture) and other systems (biodynamic farming, permaculture)
1.4) case studies (objectives, marketing, regulation, control strategies of pests and diseases)
1.5) introduction to horticulture: concepts, importance of the sector, trends, challenges
1.6) installation of crops: crop selection and mode of production, selection and characterization of the installation site, site preparation, culture installation
1.7) protected crops: typologies, environmental conditioning in greenhouses: objectives and importance, available tools
2) Animal Production
2.1) characterization of primary production in Portugal
2.2) the animal production as primary unit
2.3) productive planning
2.4) importance of animal feed control in food safety


Programs where the course is taught: