Human Nutrition
a) To know the relation between food and nutrition;
b) Understand the importance of nutrition as an integral part of health promotion and disease prevention;
c) Recognize the main factors that determine food choices;
d) To know and apply food recommendations throughout the life cycle;
e) To know the principal nutritional characteristics of food and beverage;
f) Understand and apply the concept of healthy diet;
g) Recognize the nutritional characteristic of different eating patterns and their impact on the health of individuals
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Diana Teixeira
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Mahan L. Kathleen 340. Krauses food and the nutrition care process.
Whitney E and Rolfes SR. Understanding Nutrition 12 ed. Belmont, Wadsworth, 2008
Sizer, F., Whitney, E; Nutrition, Concepts and Controversies. 12th Ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning; 2008.
Gropper S.S., Smith J.L., Groff J.L. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. 5th Ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2009.
Teaching method
The course is organized in lectures and theoretical-practical classes: 1 weekly lecture for all students with a duration of 50 min each; 1 theoretical-practical class per week of 2,5 hrs, in classes with a maximum of 20 students.
Evaluation method
The evaluation has a practical component and a final exam. The assessment of the theoretical-practicals is continuous, corresponds to 20% of the final grade, and takes into account the following criteria: performance and attendance of students; quality of a research project and oral presentation; solving exercises or performing work; attitude and knowledge demonstrated by the student. The final exam is 80% of the final grade, and is covers all the theoretical and practical topics taught. The presence in the examination is conditional to attendance to at least 2/3 of the practical classes and a practical grade of at least 10.0.
Subject matter
1. Global perspective on food intake;
2. Main determinants of food choices;
3. Food recommendations: food groups and food guides;
4. Portuguese food composition table;
4.1 Nutritional characteristics of foods and beverages;
5. Food recommendations in special physiological situations, namely pregnant and lactating, children and the elderly;
6. Chronobiology applied to food;
7. Mediterranean diet;
8. Vegetarian diet across the lifecycle;
9. Diet and cancer;
10. Diet and cardiovascular disease.