

By the end of the course the student should be able to show:
• Knowledge of the causes and mechanisms that explain the changes found in major diseases relevant to diseases with nutritional impact.
• Skills of critical thinking, applied to the interpretation of pathophysiological cases, using the methodology of problem-based learning.
• Attitude of information research leading to, individually or in groups, to an adequate utilization of all the human and technological resources available for pathophysiology learning.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Pedro Martins


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





• PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF DISEASE; McPhee SJ. Hammer D McGraw-Hill, 8th edition, November 2018
• PATHOPHYSIOLOGY; Damjanov .WB Elsevier Saunders Co, 2008
• MEDICAL NUTRITION THERAPY: A CASE-STUDY APPROACH; Marcia Nelms, Sara Long Roth and Karen Lacey. Wadsworth – Cengage Learning, 2009
• MEDICAL NUTRITION AND DISEASE: A CASE-BASED APPROACH; Lisa Hark and Gail Morrison. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Teaching method

Each content section consists in lectures and tutorial sessions during which pathophysiological  mechanisms will be analyzed. During these sessions students will have access to medical records of patients designed specifically for the method of problem-based learning.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment will be converted to a classification with a weighted value in the final grade (50%). The final exam is and consists of a written test followed by an oral exam which is mandatory for students with a final classification equal to or below 12 values. Students´ continuous assessment during the tutorial sessions contributes 50%, or 10 points, to the final grade, with the following distribution:
Average of session’s participation – 0 to 4
Average to presentation of learning need topics - 0 to 3
Presentation of syntheses – 0 to 3

Subject matter

Problem-based Learning and teaching of Pathophysiology.  Pathophysiology of digestive motility disorders. Pathophysiology of malabsorption syndrome.  Gastro-eosophageal refux disease (GERD). Pathophysiology of hepatic and pancreatic disorders. Pathophysiology of overweight and obesity. Functional evaluation of the digestive system and of nutrition disorders. Chronic respiratory diseases and nutritional status.  Mechanisms of food allergy and food intolerance. Pathophysiology of anaemic syndrome (acute/chronic).  Pathophysiology of acute coronary syndrome and of heart failure. Pathophysiology of electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders. Pathophysiology of chronic renal failure.  Pathophysiology of acute and chronic renal failure.  Pathophysiology of diabetes and of metabolic syndrome.


Programs where the course is taught: