Community Nutrition
a) To understand the importance of community nutrition in comparison to interventions at individual level
b) To acquire knowledge and develop skills on the identification of nutritional problems in different population groups
c) To acquire skills to design, implement and evaluate programs of community nutrition
d) To acquire skills to plan and conduct nutrition education sessions
e) To understand the methodology to develop food guides and understand their importance for nutrition education
f) To identify different types of food labelling systems and understand their importance for the promotion of healthy dietary choices
g) To know different community nutrition programs
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Catarina Maria Roquette de Gouveia Durão
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Boyle Marie A. 2016. Community nutrition in action: an entrepreneurial approach. 7th edition. Cengage Learning. Boston.
Rodrigues S.S.P., Franchini B., Graça P., de Almeida M.D.V. A New Food Guide for the Portuguese Population: Development and Technical Considerations. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2006. 38:189-195.
Montagnese C. et al. European food-based dietary guidelines: A comparison and update. Nutrition. 2015.31: 908-915.
Temple N.J. and Fraser J. Food labels: A critical assessment. Nutrition. 2014. 30: 257-260.
Carrilho T. and Amaral F. Da Rotulagem de Géneros Alimentícios à Informação ao Consumidor. Revista Nutrícias. 2014. 23.6-7.
FAO and United Arab Emirates University. 2019. Stepping up school-based food and nutrition education: Exploring challenges, finding solutions and building partnerships. Rome.
Teaching method
The course is organized in lectures and theorethical-practical (TP) classes: 1 weekly lecture for all students with a duration of 50 min each; 1 TP class per week with the duration of 1,5 hrs with a maximum of 20 students. During the TP classes, work in small groups will be developed with the aim of designing a community nutrition program, of develop educational materials and of conducting simulated nutrition education sessions.
Evaluation method
The evaluation has a practical component and a final exam (0-20). The assessment of TP teaching is continuous, corresponding to 40% of the final grade and taking into account the following criteria: performance and attendance of students; quality of the practical reports; attitude and knowledge demonstrated by the students. The final exam accounts for 60% of the final grade and covers all the theoretical and practical topics taught. The presence in the examination is conditional to attendance to at least 2/3 of the TP classes and to a TP grade of at least 9.5. To be approved, the final exam grade has to be at least 9.5.
Subject matter
I. Community nutrition vs. Public Health Nutrition: general concepts and its importance for health promotion
II. Community nutrition programs (objectives, food chain, intervention strategies and team-work)
III. Plan and manage community nutrition programs (diagnosis, identification of problems and needs, steps and indicators)
IV. Evaluation of community nutrition programs
V. Nutrition education (nutrition education models and theories, barriers and success strategies in nutrition education, nutrition education campaigns)
VI. The nutritionist role in different population groups (adults, elderly and children) and in different contexts (municipalities, schools, primary health care centres and workplaces)
VII. Food guides: methodologies of development and their importance for nutrition education
VIII. Food labelling: different types and their importance for the promotion of healthy food choices
IX. Examples of community nutrition programs