The main general teaching-learning objective of Human Anatomy: Acquisition of the essential anatomical knowledge endowing the future physician with capacity for its clinical application.
Considering the essential domains of learning: cognitive, psychomotor, affective and attitudes, the specific objectives of teaching-learning are:
In the field of knowledge:
- To know and to use the nomenclature of the structures of the human body
- Identify and describe the structures
In the field of skills or performance:
- Observation
- Description
- Structuring or schematization of knowledge
- Integration of knowledge
- Projection of deep structures on the surface of the human body
Application of knowledge:
- Creative spirit
- Critical spirit
- Autonomous learning
- Group work
- Bibliographic research
In the field of attitudes and values:
- Recognize the fundamental importance of Anatomy in the training of the physician
- Develop and demonstrate a taste for knowledge and learning
- Develop scientific curiosity
- Acquire the responsibility of the physician before society
- Spirit of tolerance
- Increase Respect for Man
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor Diogo Pais
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Anatomia Humana da Locomoção J. A. Esperança Pina - 4ª edição Lidel, Edições Técnicas.
Anatomia Humana dos Órgãos J. A. Esperança Pina - 2ª edição Lidel, Edições Técnicas.
Anatomia Humana do Coração e Vasos J. A. Esperança Pina - 2ª edição Lidel, Edições Técnicas.
Anatomia Humana da Relação J. A. Esperança Pina - 4ª edição Lidel, Edições Técnicas.
Clinically Oriented Anatomy K. Moore Williams and Wilkins.
Grays Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice Elsevier Susan Standring
Grays Anatomy for Students Churchill Livingstone Richard Drake
Anatomia Geral e Dissecção Humana J. A. Esperança Pina, A. Bensabat Rendas, Miguel Correia, J. Goyri ONeill e Diogo Pais - Lidel, Edições Técnicas.
Atlas de Anatomia Humana Frank H. Netter Artmed, Editora.
Additional References (Recommended sourses)
* Anatomia Humana (Descritiva, Topográfica e Funcional) Henry Rouvière e André Delmas 11ª edição Espanhola, ou 15ª edição Francesa, Masson.
* The Developing Human: Clinical Oriented Embriology K. Moore W. B. Saunders.
* Atlas of Human Anatomy with Integrated Text J. A. Gosling e al. Churchill Livingstone.
* Sectional Human Anatomy Han M-C & Kim C-W, Igaku-Shoin.
* Color Atlas of Anatomy J. Roben & C. Yokochi Edição em língua portuguesa, inglesa ou espanhola.
Teaching method
In order to achieve the learning objectives of the Anatomy Curricular Unit, the student should attend the Theoretical Course and the Practical Course, which will be complementary, using different pedagogical techniques.
Theoretical Course - In view of the current pandemic crisis COVID-19, the lectures will all be given remotely.
Practical Course: The Program is integrated sequentially to the Theoretical Course, being complementary to it. Frequency of 2 weekly sessions of 110 minutes each, which will include face-to-face periods in small groups and non-face-to-face periods, with attendance of classes through remote learning platforms. In view of the current epidemiological context, it may be necessary to make specific adjustments to the timetable, always ensuring that these changes do not overlap with the teaching activities previously scheduled by other CUs attended by the students of the classes. The various parameters are:
- Tutorial Teaching open to the participation of the students - with a period of exposition of the subjects by the assistant, followed by a period of exposition by the students.
- Laboratory work with anatomical models and cadavers - replacing human cadaveric parts with plastic models will always represent a choice of less reliability. Nothing replaces the fresh or embalmed human corpse.
- Bibliographical Research and Work Project - destined to the training of the bibliographical search of a theme. The results are discussed with the teacher.
- Self-Assessment of Learning :- students are proposed to answer questions from a database held and shared by all teachers.
Evaluation method
Student Assessment
Building-up a uniform evaluation scheme is imperative considering the need to standardize criteria that will evaluate the student in a global and continuous way, so it is up to each Faculty to follow the general indications in relation to this and to communicate, in the first class, any specifics in relation to the class assigned to him/her.
In Anatomy, the student's assessment should be based on different parameters that evaluate not only their actual level of knowledge, but also their ability to reason, dexterity, innovative capacity, prompt adaptation to new questions and situations that are posed to him/her.
It is a matter, even if indirectly, of evaluating the future doctor, so that his/hers human and ethical capacities must be taken into account, and the student is prepared, from the 1st year of the course, to approach the patient in a scientific and humane perspective. Thus the evaluation encompasses:
a) Continuous Practical Assessment (25%)
It incorporates the continuous practical evaluation (15%), the responsibility of the assistant of each class and that takes place in all practical classes, verifying during the class itself, by the approach of the themes taught in the theoretical course. The student should be asked by the teacher to expose subjects, detailing this or that detail, and may by his free initiative address the description of a theme in close relation to the objective of the class in which he participates. Continuous evaluation should also evaluate the overall characteristics of the student, with regard not only to their level of knowledge but also to attendance and punctuality, their ability to dynamic the working group in which they are integrated and relationship with teachers and students, being valued here to perform group work. The continuous evaluation of students should not disturb the normal course of the theoretical and practical courses of the discipline, nor directly or indirectly that of other chairs.
It also incorporates two works of bibliographic research group (10%) (groups with 3 to 4 students) that should be presented orally succinctly and clearly, by the group that carried out the work, and the professor/jury should evaluate not only the exposure and scientific rigor but also the commitment, dedication and effort put into the study and bibliographic research to carry out the theme. According to the institutional recommendations that may be determined, the presentations may take place in person or not in person (using platforms provided by the Faculty).
# a first in the study of the generalities of the bone head and craniofacial cavities (to be evaluated by the class teacher) 5%
# one second in the field of topographic anatomy (to be evaluated by the class teacher) 5%
This evaluation is quantitative, from 0 to 20 and:
With a rating of less than 10, the student will have to repeat the Practical Course and will not be able to present himself to the Final Exam.
With a rating higher than 10, the student can present him or herself final exam.
Special Practical Assessment Schemes - any student who is recognized a Special Statute that dispenses him from the mandatory attendance of the Practical Course (i.e., mandatory attendance of two-thirds of the classes taught) and who does not obtain Practical Assessment that allows access to the Final Exam, may take a Practical Test related to the contents of the Practical Program on a date to be defined (between the end of the Practical Course and the 1st Day of Exams of the 1st Season).
With a rating of less than 10, the student will have to repeat the Practical Course and will not be able to present himself to the Final Exam.
With a rating higher than 10, the student can present him or herself final exam.
b) Practical Exercise of Knowledge Assessment (10%)
Group work (groups with 3 or 4 students) based on basic clinical cases and should be presented orally briefly and clearly, by the group that carried out the work, and the professor/jury should evaluate not only the exposure and scientific rigor but also the commitment, dedication and effort put in the study and bibliographic research to carry out the theme. According to the institutional recommendations that may be determined, presentations may take place in person or not in person (using platforms provided by the Faculty - e.g.: Zoom). These evaluations are quantitative, from 0 to 20 values. If the student is unjustifiably absent, zero values will be assigned.4 students) based on basic clinical cases and should be presented orally briefly and clearly, by the group that carried out the work, and the professor/jury should evaluate not only the exposure and scientific rigor but also the commitment, dedication and effort put in the study and bibliographic research to carry out the theme. According to the institutional recommendations that may be determined, presentations may take place in person or not in person (using platforms provided by the Faculty - e.g.: Zoom).
These evaluations are quantitative, from 0 to 20 values. If the student is unjustifiably absent, a score of zero will be assigned.
c) Modular Assessment (15%)
It will be held in all classes in the same week (dates to be defined at the beginning of the school year), whenever possible during the school period of the practical classes of each class, face-to-face or using distance learning platforms provided by the Faculty (e.g., moodle). It is a test with an incidence on subjects to be previously published in "matrix of proof" and composed of multiple-choice questions, true and false, correspondence, image captions and / or short answer.
This evaluation is quantitative, from 0 to 20 values.
If the student is unjustifiably absent, the score of zero will be assigned.
If the student is justified, he/she may evaluate the contents in question as a complement to the Final Exam.
d) Final Oral Evaluation - FINAL EXAM (50%)
- Includes evaluation of all contents considered in the Practical and Theoretical Programs of the Chair. In general, several contributions should be made to the final examination score:
1 Evaluation in the field of Locomotion Anatomy, including Osteology, Arthrology and Myology.
2 - Evaluation in the field of Organ Anatomy.
3 - Evaluation in the field of Anatomy of the Heart and Vessels and Nevrologic Anatomy.
The final examination, will preferably be carried out in the form of oral examination (face-to-face or through digital platforms - Zoom), and cannot be excluded at the time, and according to any recommendations of the Faculty, the performance of written examination.
This evaluation is quantitative, from 0 to 20 values and:
If in the 1st season the student obtains a rating below 10 or misses the final oral exam, he/she can take an exam in the 2nd season, also considering the evaluations related to continuous practical evaluation, practice of practical application of knowledge and modular evaluation. If the student does not present himself for an exam in 2nd season, he/she is disapproved of CU of anatomy.
If in 2nd season, a rating of less than 10 or misses the final oral exam, the student fails the Anatomy (may eventually use the Time of Appeal if it meets the requirements indicated in the internal regulations of the FCM).
In the 1st or 2nd season a rating higher than 10, approves the student in the Final Anatomy Exam (with a weighting of 50% in the Final Grade of the CU).
NOTE: Regardless of the Exam Season (1st, 2nd or Special) chosen by students, a positive (greater than 10 values) and valid (i.e., for the previous school year or school year) is mandatory.
Subject matter
- Divisions of Anatomy
- Anatomical or descriptive position and descriptive or reference plans
- Anatomical Terminology
- Research in Anatomy
General Human Anatomy of Locomotion: General Osteology, General Arthrology, General Myology, Skin and Appendages, and Surface Anatomy
Osteology of the head: Bones of the skull, face and hyoid bone
Arthrology of the head
Bony head in general: Skull and face in general
Cranio-facial cavities: nasal cavities, oral cavity, orbits, temporal, infratemporal, and pterygoid fossae, skull architecture and craniometry
Osteology and Arthrology of the vertebral column
General vertebral column: External conformation, curvatures, the spine as a static, kinetic and protective organ
Osteology and Arthrology of the thorax
Thorax in general: external and internal conformation and notions of intra-thoracic splanchnology
Osteology and Arthrology of the lower limb: Lower limb cingulum osteology, Pelvic arthrology, Thigh, leg and foot osteology, Hip, knee, leg, ankle and foot arthrology, Clinical applications (fractures and joint injuries)
Pelvis in general: Pelvis configuration, upper and lower opening, pelvis types and sexual dimorphism
Osteology and Arthrology of the upper limb: Osteology of the upper limb, arm, forearm and hand, Upper limb, shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand arthrology, and Clinical applications (fractures)
Myology of the head: Cutaneous muscles of the head, facial and masticator muscles
Functional Myology of the Head - Mastication and Facial Mime
Myology of the neck: Anterolateral and nuchal muscles and Fasciae of the neck
Topographic anatomy of the neck region
Functional anatomy of the neck region
Myology of the back: Muscles and fasciae of the back
Muscles of the thorax: Anterolateral muscles, Diaphragm and Fasciae of the thorax
Functional-mechanical anatomy of ventilation and clinical application
Myology of the abdomen: Lombo-iliac and anterolateral muscles of the abdomen, Aponeuroses of the antero-lateral and posterior muscles of the abdomen
Aponeurosis-dependent formations of the abdominal wall - clinical application and concept of abdominal wall weakness
Myology of the lower limb: Muscles of the gluteal region, thigh, leg and foot; Gluteal fascia, femoral fascia, popliteal fossas fascia, leg and foot fasciae; Fibrous and synovial sheaths of the tendons of the leg muscles
Functional anatomy of the lower limb
Topographical anatomy of the gluteal region, thigh, knee and leg
Myology of the upper limb: Muscles of the shoulder, arm, forearm and hand; Clavi-pectoral fascia, brachial and antebrachial fasciae; Fibrous and synovial sheaths of the tendons of the muscles of the forearm.
Topographical anatomy of the axillary pit and hand
Functional anatomy of the upper limb
Clinical application (compressive carpal tunnel syndrome)
Respiratory organs: Nasal cavities and related structures; Nose, nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses; Larynx; Functional anatomy of phonation; Trachea and bronchi; Lungs; Pleuras
Thoraco-pulmonary topography (clinical application) - importance of the external examination of the teeth and basic references in the normal radiography of the thorax
Digestive organs: Oral cavity; Gums, teeth, tongue and palatine tonsils; Salivary glands; Pharynx; Esophagus
Anatomophysiology of swallowing
General anatomy of the development of the digestive tract: Stomach
Anatomical anti-reflux mechanisms: Duodenum, jejunum and ileum; large intestine; Rectum; Anus; Liver; Bile ducts; Pancreas
Urinary organs: General developmental anatomy of the urogenital apparatus; Chalices, renal pelvis and ureters; Bladder; Urethra
Endoscopic and radiological anatomy of the urinary system - examples of the application of knowledge
Male genital organs: Testis; Epididymis; Scrotum and scrotum sheaths; Spermatic pathways; Prostate, bulbo-urethral glands (Cowper); Penis
Female genital organs: Ovaries; Uterine (Fallopian) tubes; Uterus; Vagina; Vulva; Minor vestibular glands and major vestibular glands (Bartholin)
Breasts: Anatomy of the mammary gland and its lymphatic drainage - the example of breast cancer
Perineum: Perineal muscles and perineal fascia; Division of perineum in male and female
Lymphoid organs: Bone marrow; Thymus; Lympho-epithelial tissues; Lymph nodes; Spleen
Endocrine glands: Hypophysis; Pineal gland; Thyroid gland parathyroid glands; Adrenal glands; Paraganglia; Cell groups located in organs of other systems; Placenta
Peritoneum: General - description and general topography
General Nevrology
Spinal nerves: Systematization of the medullary and radicular territories; Later branches of the spinal nerves
Cervical plexus
Examples of clinical application - superficial plexus block and lesion of the phrenic nerve
Brachial plexus
General aspect of upper limb innervation
Intercostal nerves
Lumbar plexus
Sacred plexus
Pudendal plexus
Sacro-coccygeal plexus
General aspect of lower limb innervation
General aspect of perineum innervation
Cranial nerves: oculomotor nerve; Throclear nerve; Abducent nerve; Trigeminal nerve - ophthalmic nerve (Willis), maxillary nerve and mandibular nerve; Facial nerve and intermediate nerve (Wrisberg); Glossopharyngeal nerve; Vagus nerve; Accessory nerve; Hypoglossal nerve
Systematization of Territories of Innervation, application of knowledge in neurologic examination
Autonomic nervous system: Sympathetic trunk; Intermediate ganglia and pre-visceral plexus and Visceral ganglia and plexus; Paraganglia
General anatomy of the heart and vessels
Heart: General considerations; External conformation; Relations; Cardiac cavities - atria and ventricles; Anatomical constitution of the myocardium - fibrous rings and fibrous trigones, muscle fibers and specific fibers; Pericardium; Vascularization and innervation of the heart
Dissection of the heart
Arteries: Arteries of Thorax and Abdomen; Abdominal aortic artery; Arteries of the head and neck; Arteries of the upper limb and arteries of the lower limb
Veins: Veins of the head and neck; Veins of Thorax and Abdomen; Veins of limbs
Lymphatics: Lymphatics of the head and neck; Lymphatics of Thorax and Abdomen; Lymphatics of the upper limb; Lymphatics of lower limb; Supradiaphragmatic terminal lymphatic trunks; Infradiaphragmatic terminal lymphatic trunks
Clinical applications related to lymphatic drainage of neoplasms
Special Vascular Anatomy: Vascular Territories: Lobes, Segments, Subsegments; Microvasculature of tissues and organs - Scanning electronic microscopy - corrosion casts