Molecular and Clinical Diabetology


• To define and classify diabetes according to the underlying pathophysiological mechanism
• To know and understand the acute and chronic diabetes complications, discussing its diagnosis and follow-up
• To understand and discuss the mechanisms of action of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies (diet and physical activity) and integrate them within the knowledge of the physiological changes into the existing therapies recommendations
• To know the characteristics of the model of chronic disease (diabetes)
• Know how to collect clinical history of people with diabetes, evaluate the presence of late complications and discuss the therapeutic options
• To know to negotiate a treatment plan with the person with diabetes
• To discuss models of organization of health care in diabetes and understand the importance of an integrated multidisciplinary approach and the different roles of the other professionals and carers in the process of care of people with diabetes
• know the current lines of ongoing translational research in diabetes

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor João Raposo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





• Textbook of Diabetes, Richard IG Holt , Clive Cockram , Allan Flyvbjerg , Barry J. Goldstein , Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
• Diabet Med 2010 Aug, 27 (8): 879-81 First diabetes prevalence study in Portugal: PREVADIAB study. Gardete-Correia L , Boavida JM , Raposo JF , AC Mesquita , Fona C , Carvalho R , Massano-Cardoso S
• STANDARDS OF MEDICAL CARE IN DIABETES—2020, American Diabetes Association
• Micro-site da Direção Geral da Saúde do Programa Nacional para a Diabetes:

Teaching method

Teaching is conducted in b-learning.
Theoretical content will be available through asynchronous e-learning process with discussion fora.
Practical classes will be split in observation of different individual consultations in adults and paediatric diabetology environment.
Each student will have to follow one person with diabetes, building a clinical story, analyzing its clinical situation and promoting compensation and adherence to therapy.
The aspects of communication and exchange of experiences among the clinic staff and the research team will be valued.

Evaluation method

The assessment of this course will be carried out continuously and will take into account - continuous assessment of students (25% of total assessment – presence, punctuality, participation in class and presentation of clinical history) and a final presentation of a group work (75% of total assessment). Students will work in groups of 4 to prepare a final thematic presentation based on a clinical case.

Subject matter

 Classification and diagnosis of diabetes
 Diabetes and Public Health
 Non-communicable diseases
 Incidence and Prevalence of Diabetes in the world and Portugal
 Levels of Prevention in Diabetes. Screening
 National Program for Diabetes
 Organization of Health Care in Diabetes
 Molecular mechanisms of diabetes and its integration with clinical diabetes
 Diabetes and macro/micro vascular disease
 Prevention and Control of Diabetes and its molecular basis:
 Nutrition in Diabetes
 Physical activity
 Pharmacological therapeutic approaches
 Therapeutic Education in Diabetes
 The person with chronic disease: physician / patient relationship
 Education: group vs individual consultations
 Pedagogical tools. New technologies and diabetes
 Motivational interviewing


Programs where the course is taught: