Medicine and Society


Medicine and Society is an Integrative Curricular Unit formed by three modules.
The module of Ethics, Deontology and Medical Law has as its prime goals to endow the medicine student with the essential knowledge on deontological standards of conduct of the Portuguese Medical Order, on the major problems of ethics applied to contemporary medicine and on the fundamental basis for the framework of the medical profession on the norms, regulations, and legal precepts involved in medical liability.
The module Introduction to legal Medicine it is intended to provide the IMM student by the NOVA Medical School with a brief presentation to Legal medicine, as a complement of the Ethical, Deontology and Medical Law Module.
This module “The Doctor, The Patient and The Society” intends to introduce the student to the major questions related to the exercise of the medical profession nowadays and with the broader subject of the political and economic implications of health care provision systems.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Diogo Pais


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Módulo de Ética, Deontologia e Direito Médicos:
Ética, Deontologia e Direito Médico – José António Esperança Pina. Lidel, Edições Técnicas Lda.
Direitos dos Pacientes e Responsabilidade Médica – André G. Dias Pereira. Coimbra Editora
Legislação de Direito da Medicina – Helena Moniz. Coimbra Editora
TRREE ( – Formação e Recursos na Avaliação de Ética em Pesquisa

Módulo Introdução à Medicina Legal:
Simpson’s Forensic Medicine. Payne James et al. Hodder Arnold. 2011
Medicina Legal. França. Guanabara Koogan, 2011.

Módulo o Médico, o Doente e a Sociedade:
American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation. American College of Physicians–American Society of
Internal Medicine Foundation. European Federation of Internal Medicine Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136(3):243–246.
Barros, P.P. (2009) Economia da Saúde: Conceitos e Comportamentos (2ª Edição). Almedina, Coimbra.

Teaching method

Ethics Deontology and Medical Law-1 lecture of introduction to the major themes, following case discussion sessions presenting dilemmatic situations regarding the major legal-ethical and deontological questions of medicine. Each subject is studied through the presentation and discussion, by groups of students, of real or constructed case scenarios. All ethical, deontological and legal pertinent aspects will be introduced along the discussion. Introduction to legal medicine-composed of 9 lectures - include the presentation and discussion of practical examples. The Doctor, the Patient and the Society-10 lectures distributed, in a balanced manner, between the themes of medical professionalism and health politics and economics.

Evaluation method

Assessment will include providing the 3 certificates-training-TRREE website-10% of the Final Score, oral presentation of an Ethics Deontology and Medical Law case(s) (group work)– 20% of the Final Score. The written examination will make up 70% of the final grade.

Subject matter

Ethics Deontology and Medical Law
Definitions and Principals
Principles of Bioethics
Introduction to the Deontology Code
Medical Liability
Legal-Ethical and Deontological Questions
Rights and Duties of Doctors and Patients
Informed Consent and Refusal
Health Power of Attorney
Medical Confidentiality
Joint and Several Liability
Medical Solidarity
Medical Emergency
Chronical Patient
Relationship Doctors and Patient Relatives
Liberty Deprived Patient
Genic Therapy
Rights of the Embryo
Human experimentation

Introduction to legal Medicine
Concepts of Death
General Semiology of Violent Death
Medical Expert Assessment and Damage Evaluation in Civil Court, Criminal Proceedings and Work Indemnities
Doctor Social Role

The Doctor, The Patient and The Society
Professionalism in medicine
Burnout in doctors
Doctors and the economic elements of health
Health policies and programmes implementation
Organisational determinants in health
Health services management


Programs where the course is taught: