Medical and Surgical Specialties II
Teaching will be oriented towards maximal exposure and contact with the clinical reality, the student being a part of the clinical team.
Each specialty has defined learning objectives, described in the syllabus, and specific teaching services, selected by their ability to provide the defined competencies and skills.
The LogBooks are to be used as a guide and reminder of the learning objectives and will serve to register contacts and skills acquired during the practical rotations. This LogBooK is a very important learning tool and will serve as the basis for the final practical evaluation.
It should be emphasised that, in every hospital and practical speciality rotations available, the students must seek to acquire as much competencies, skills and contacts as possible, as well as training professional attitudes. These contacts and acquired competencies should be registered in the logbooks. The local speciality coordinators will ensure the student distribution and will centralise, with the support of each services teaching staff, the practical evaluation.
Formal lectures on main subjects will be available exclusively online and clinical case discussion classes will have an online interactive foemat.
Multidisciplinarity and interactivity between specialties and with the students will be the most significant objectives in the lectures.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Professor Doutor José Fragata
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bibliography is presented by speciality
Teaching method
This curricular unit will be taught by multispecialty in-hospital rotations, in 10 week semesters. These hospital rotations are subdivided in A and B Tutor groups. Each of the groups (with 43 to 46 students each) will rotate every 5 weeks.
Within each group, the students will rotate between specialties and hospitals. Mandatory rotations are: Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Anesthesiology and Ear Nose & Throat (ENT). Students will choose an optional specialty: Cardiac or Orofacial Surgery.
During the practical rotation, students must acquire the theoretical basis of the specialty and more in depth theoretical knowledge about the clinical cases and pathologies they encounter. The practical rotation will thus serve as a basis and stimulus for the theoretical knowledge.
SIGNING IN: Daily presence sheets for signature exist in the secretary offices from 8.15h to 10.15h. All students must sign in in time, before practical work begins at 8,30h. Failure to do will be considered as absence, and will only be annulled by a written statement confirming presence in the rotation, written by the tutor.
Individual LogBooks must be downloaded from the Moodle platform and duly filled. The LogBook activities will be evaluated as part of the practical evaluation by the teachers in each rotation.
The lectures will be totally in e_Learning and will be published in the CUs Moodle. The theorico-practical classes will be done in a b-Learning format in interactive paltforms such as Zoom or Teams.
The first semester will be from September 7th to December 18th 2020 and the second semester from February 15th to June 4th 2021.
The CU has a duration of 10 weeks per semester and rotations are described in the maps below. Practical rotations will take place in different hospitals (see maps) and there may be an additional theoretical component within the individual specialties. However, direct contact with patients and clinical integration are privileged. Rotations are from 8,30 to 13h every weekday. Timetables may be adjusted in particular cases according to each services schedules.
Evaluation method
The students Final score will be attributed as a weighted average between the classifications obtained in the written (60%) and practical (40%) examinations.
The practical examination criteria are defined for each specialty and will take into account logbook analysis and discussion as well as other forms of evaluation defined by each specialty coordinator.
To have access to the written examination, students must have a positive (>10/20) evaluation in every practical rotation. Rotation classifications will be available according to coordinator-defined rules and timelines.
Practical classification will be valid for 1 year.
1. The EMC2CU is based on medical and surgical knowledge integration and this model will form the basis for the written examination.
2. The written examination will be a multiple choice test.
3. There will be 2 multiple choice exams, differing only in the optional specialty questions. The test will have 100 questions: 10 on each mandatory specialty and 10 for the optional specialty. The time allotted by the NOVA MS is 90 seconds/question.
4. Each question has four or five possible answers. The right answer is considered to be the single best answer. Wrong questions do not discount on the final score. In the event of question annulment, the questions score will be distributed by the overall test.
5. Failure to obtain a positive score in one of the rotations will represent a negative practical score (i.e: a score > 10 in every rotation is needed). No students with a negative practical evaluation will be allowed to sit for the written examination.
6. The questions will discriminate levels of knowledge, and can be based on a small clinical case. All tests are produced according to the MedQuizz recommendations.
7. To successfully complete the CU, the student must have, at least, 50% of correct answers in the written examination, independently of the practical evaluation score.
Final classifications will be attributed using a 0 to 20 numeric scale.
Score improvemet examination regulations are determined by NovaMS.
Score improvement is done by repeating the written examination, which will count for 100% of the final score.
Score improvement examination has mandatory previous inscription and payment at the Serviços Académicos of NovaMS
The examination dates are defined by the Nova MS and published in an official exam schedule.
The presence requirements are defined by the Nova MS Regulations. Practical rotations (including on site classes/lectures) have mandatory attendance.
Students failing the minimal attendance limit in any rotation will be excluded from course completion.
According to Nova MS Regulations.
Subject matter
Syllabus are presented by speciality